Profits To Passive Wealth with Crystal Johnson [Podcast 222]
Wealth creation does not have to be difficult- all you need is to take the first step towards transforming your mindset! In this episode, you’ll discover an unusual way to turn your profits into passive wealth with Crystal Johnson.
Crystal is a self-made millionaire, wealth mindset coach, and author of Millionaires Don’t Drive Ferraris, a book that takes down the misconceptions around wealth.
Believing in the power of the mind to shift your life, Crystal also founded The Millionaire Launchpad to help entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders gain financial wisdom to cultivate a millionaire’s mindset and long-term wealth.
Listen in to discover more about wealth creation!
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Profits To Passive Wealth with Crystal Johnson [Podcast 222]
What would it be worth if you could discover an unusual way to turn profits to passive wealth? You could get your profits working outside of your business. What if you could build your million-dollar net worth and it would be easier than starting and running your business? Our guest expert is uniquely qualified to talk about these specific things. Her name is Crystal Johnson. She’s very young and her story is amazing. She’s a self-made millionaire and a wealth mindset coach. She’s the author of a bestselling book called Millionaires Don’t Drive Ferraris. She’s the Founder of The Millionaire Launchpad where she inspires entrepreneurs, business owners, leaders, maybe like you and like me, how to acquire the financial wisdom, the financial literacy to cultivate a millionaire’s mindset so that you can create long-term wealth and true financial freedom. She believes that once you change your mind, you can change, transform and shift your life. Her mission for you is to help you change your mind, transform your mind and share with you how simple wealth creation can be once you make the decision to be rich, not just look rich. Crystal, welcome to the show. How are you?
I am good. Thank you so much. I’m excited to be here. I love talking about money and wealth.
I find your story fascinating and provocative. I’m looking forward to our conversations. I want to dive right into it. You had all this success. You’re in your lower 30s. I’m definitely not in my 30s. I’m almost double that now. Why are you doing what you’re doing? Tell us the story.
A lot of your audience probably had read this book and it’s what gave me a paradigm shift. I do what I do now because I want other people to have that same paradigm shift, but a modern version of that. The book that I always recommend that I read, that caught me on this path, that got me to create wealth and a millionaire net worth was Rich Dad Poor Dad. I’m sure you’re familiar and a lot of the audience is familiar. It’s so funny, I went back and I tried to reread that and I was like, “This is so basic,” but if you haven’t read it, it is life-changing and paradigm shifting. Early on, right after I graduated from college, I said, “I don’t want to work for someone else. I want my money to work for me.”
I read the book. I did the paradigm shift. I worked hard. I went to corporate sells. I sold a lot, saved a lot, lived well below my means and then invested the money into real estate. Personally, there are lots of different vehicles to create wealth. Your business is one of them, but it’s very important to diversify that. I got excited because real estate increases income and then it increases equity or wealth. That’s how I was able to create that million-dollar net worth. It took about eight years and it took seven units. It was three duplexes. I bought that back in 2012 and then the value of the real estate went up. That’s how I got to that millionaire status.
You make it sound simple. It’s awesome. Let’s back up a little bit. You’ve had this success. You’re in your 30s, you’ve achieved millionaire status too. We’ll speak to the elephant in the room. You’re someone who’s older, maybe grizzled like me. You’ve been through ups and downs, market shifts and crashes and all these different things that we all face and we will face. It’s predicted in the next handful of months that we’re going to be facing it again. Before we get into strategy, what has been your biggest failure as you’ve been on this journey? Corporate sales, it sounds like a fast track. You had a business, you save below your knee, you invest in real estate and you have increased your net worth and income. In your journey, what has been your biggest failure or mistake? What did you learn from it that our audience can learn from it too?
The biggest mistake was when I started my business. I truly believe that investing is way easier than starting a business because as a business owner, there are many skill sets and leadership mindset. There’s so much that goes into it. Investing is super simple. My biggest mistake was underestimating how much work, time and investment creating a business is. I saw a lot of marketing messages that were like, “Make six figures in six months.” I’m like, “I’m smart. I created $1 million net worth. I did sales. I can sell my own stuff.” I went in underestimating how much work, time and effort it took.
Flipping it on the other side is I overestimated what I could do in a year and underestimated what I can do in five or ten years. I had that short-term vision like, “I’m going to get in and make money quick.” That’s the worst thing you can do because if you’re going to make money quick, you’re probably going to lose it just as quickly. Just like investing, business is a long-term perspective. My biggest failure was going in and why that was a failure is because it messed with my mindset. I thought, “What’s wrong with me? Why is everybody else successful? Why can’t I figure out this business? All of this chatter that goes on that doubts and questions to your ability.
What I learned from that was I’m not alone. The more I spoke with people, I learned that reality and the truth of starting a business. There are some anomalies and people right off the gate do well. Congratulations. That’s awesome for them. They are anomalies, meaning it’s not normal. It’s normal to struggle and to go through challenges. That’s how you build your character and how you build your stories to inspire other people. If your audience or your members are struggling, “You’re not alone.” That was the biggest thing that I got because I thought I was the only one who cannot get my business together.
That’s a great insight and wisdom and it puts things in perspective. There’s no such thing as a magic button or a magic pill. It takes effort and work and some dumb luck too at times to get things to work and also some stamina. Sometimes it takes time for the seeds to grow, to evolve, to develop and all those sorts of things. Let’s dive in a little bit into some strategy. People were excited about the idea of passive wealth and such. What do you see are some of the biggest mistakes people make when they get started on this path of passive wealth?
If you're making money quickly, you're probably going to lose it just as quickly. - Crystal Johnson Click To TweetWhen people are starting, you have additional income and now you’re making the decision that you want to make your money work for you. A lot of times the biggest mistake people make is they go in too quickly without understanding the simple math and the simple research they need to ensure that they’re reducing the risk. Sometimes people are so eager to get going. As entrepreneurs, we’re like, “I’m going to go,” and you go with the first opportunity or deal and it might not be the right one. You might have to be patient and wait for that and have your criteria in place, “This is my narrow scope of what I want to invest in.” Many people are like, “I want to invest in real estate,” because that’s what I did. They’ll take whatever comes to them. You should get clear.
For me, I said I want multifamily. The reason I want multifamily is it has more leverage. In the beginning, I live in one side and rent out the other so I get to live rent-free. Also, if I had a vacancy, I’m not losing money because I have someone on the other side who’s paying that mortgage. There was a strategy and there was a reason for me that I chose that. I would not take any single-family deals. It’s important to say, “What do I want? What are the criteria? What does that look like?” Then understand the numbers. Why investing is so much easier than a business is, for example with real estate, it’s just finding a deal that’s below the market value. Whatever the expenses are: your mortgage, your insurance, your principal, all of those things, it has to be less than whatever the rental market is. That’s it. It’s very basic simple math but it’s being patient and finding the right deal.
Crystal, you hit us with a lot of power-packed value already with identifying what you want, have set criteria, what it’s going to look like, what are the numbers, be disciplined and be patient. These are sound principles that people can apply overall. In your resources, you talked about the idea that when you have a mastermind, you create a master life. Speak to that. What does that mean?
What I learned early on, in investing, you don’t need a great mindset. It’s simple and pretty basic math and research. With creating a business, you need to master your mindset to master your business and to increase your profits, then you can take those profits to create that passive wealth. What I noticed with mindset is a lot of times, if you don’t have the right thoughts, if you don’t believe it’s possible for you, you’re not going to take action. A lot of times in business, it’s simple. It’s asking yourself the right questions. One good question is what is the biggest and boldest action I can take? What is the most direct path I can take to get to my goal of X, Y, Z? If you’re not willing to do that, there’s something going on with your mindset.
A lot of us, instead of doing that big, bold, actionable thing, maybe it’s reaching out to a podcaster, maybe it’s reaching out to someone who’s creating a live event and asking them to speak on your stage. If you’re not doing that, there might be something with your mindset that’s holding you back because you don’t feel safe or you don’t feel worthy or you don’t feel good enough. Mindset is about being aware of what our default thinking is. We’re humans and all of us, our default thinking is negative. Dr. Daniel Amen, a Ph.D., calls them ANTs or Automatic Negative Thoughts. We’re all human and we’re wired that way because it’s supposed to protect us. It’s not supposed to make us successful and happy. It’s to protect us. Mindset is about being aware of these thoughts and redirecting them. It’s all about awareness, taking responsibility and redirecting our thoughts. If we get our thoughts right, we’ll take those big bold actions to get the results quicker.

Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 10 Powerful Tools for Life and Work
I want to speak to the negative thoughts. I’m going to speak to the elephant in the room, that person who might be reading, “I’m skeptical.” You’re talking about transforming profits to passive wealth and someone might be saying, “That’s fair but this doesn’t apply to me because my business isn’t mega profitable yet or I’m not running a business. I’m at home and I’m in debt. When I get those in order, when I get my house in order first, when my business is profitable and when I’m out of debt, then I’ll start investing for passive wealth.” What do you say to that?
That’s your problem. You’re focused on what you don’t have, what you don’t want. You’re focused on the debt. You’re focused on a limiting belief that you don’t have the resources or the go-how to get to what you want. It doesn’t always take money. Sometimes it’s a connection. Sometimes it’s showing someone the willingness that you’re going to do whatever it takes. Sometimes it’s taking your time. Time is a resource and you could go and do something for an authority, a leader and get connected to them. It’s about resourcefulness, not your resources. Many people are stuck on, “I have debt.” Most Americans have debt. You’re not alone. That’s like 80% to 90%. I don’t know what it is. It’s pretty high. If you’re going to use that excuse to hold you back, it’s not worth it.
I know a lot of millionaires that started with debt and that didn’t stop them. It’s about shifting and not going, “I’ll wait.” In my mind, that’s an excuse. It’s all like, “Maybe I don’t have the financial resources. What else can I do?” It goes back to the questions that you’re asking yourself. It’s Tony Robbins who says, “The quality of your questions determines the quality of your life.” There’s a good book for your audience to check out. It’s Change Your Questions, Change Your Life. It’s by a PhD named Marilee Adams. It’s such a good book. This is science. I know a lot of business owners are like, “That’s woo-woo. I need to take action and get results.” Yes, but your mindset is the foundation of that. That’s a good book in shifting those questions and not focusing on the debt, but instead focusing on, “What can I do instead?” Have this, it is what it is. What are you going to do about it?
It sounds like part of it is you’ve got to start where you stand. Don’t look at the resources which can be limiting but look at the resourcefulness which if your mindset is right, it can be an unlimited ability to tap into. It’s not a what, which is a thing. It’s not a how, which is a tactic. It’s a who. If you’re resourceful, you can go to a who and leverage other people. You can leverage other talents. You can leverage other opportunities and incorporate those into your strategy to essentially set things up to start investing in passive wealth.
Just to tie in the investing because a lot of times I hear this excuse too. Let’s say you’re a profitable business owner. You’re making a lot of capital. You don’t know what to do with it. Now, you want to have your money work for you and you decide to invest in real estate. Let’s say you don’t even want to use that money. You could get things called a hard money loan. You don’t even need money to get money. I know that sounds insane, but if you educate yourself and get the skills and be resourceful, you can make anything happen. I hate to call people out over and over again, but I felt that even me, I’m human. I hold myself back sometimes. It’s about questioning how am I holding myself back and being honest with yourself.
Just like investing, business is a long-term perspective. - Crystal Johnson Click To TweetSpeaking of that, what are some of those little, known resources or maybe their common resources that most people aren’t aware of that you have found and that you recommend people can go to where they can get money without money?
This is why I love real estate. There is stock and there are all these other ways so I don’t want to say this is the way, it’s the way I did it. As far as why I love real estate is you can leverage what’s called a hard money loan. You look at hard money lenders. Hard money lenders, why they do that business is they charge you a huge interest. It’s insane but the thing is you’re not putting your capital on the line and you do not have to use your own money. You pay extra to get “free money,” but you can get that back out with profits. You can Google hard money lenders and that’s one example. Then you can find other people that want to invest in different things that are similar to you. It’s just about connections in my mind and finding out who has what I need.
As you’re reading, what can you do to take action with this approach? At the end of the day, part of it is understanding the math. It’s being disciplined. It’s not being a risk-taker. One of the biggest lies in the market in investing is you’ve got to be a risk taker. Yet Warren Buffett, arguably one of the wealthiest if not the wealthiest person in the country says, “Don’t lose money.” That’s rule number one. Number two, follow rule number one. He’s very diligent and disciplined in making smart choices. What would have to happen for you to be able to make smart choices? It’s a math problem. Go through the process to understand it. What Crystal was saying, if you’re going to use hard money lender, which does have a price, you add that into the math equation to identify your margin or your profit or your difference. The split between what you bought it for and what you sold it for and how you can make your money out of that without risk.
Think about it. What resources can you put in place? What’s a who? What is a hard money lender? What is a resource? Who is somebody that would buy into what you’re doing? I’m fascinated by the title of your book, which is Millionaires Don’t Drive Ferraris. It’s one of the books I’ve read and I was brought up in a very lower income family as a kid. We were on welfare at times. My dad wanted us to have a better life. I got introduced to a title called Wealth Without Risk way back in the early ‘80s and then fast forward, to things like No Money Down Real Estate, which my dad had in the late ‘80s or the early ‘90s. I was very fortunate in many ways that my dad was an advocate and a supporter to bring this stuff to us as kids.
One of the books along the way is called Millionaire Next Door. Your title Millionaires Don’t Drive Ferraris reminds me of that flavor because there’s such a misunderstanding around wealth. It’s not about standing in front of jets, although you see a lot of that nonsense out in the market and/or standing in front of a Bentley, although you see that nonsense or multiple Bentleys to try to impress. It’s not about impressing people, it’s about building something sustainable. Speak to the concept of Millionaires Don’t Drive Ferraris.
You hit it. It’s not about impressing people, it’s about actual freedom. It’s about being rich, not looking rich. Because most people who look rich, are not rich. They just have that persona and that perception. I love that book, Millionaires Don’t Drive Ferraris because it goes to the heart and the antithesis of what most people think wealthy people do and what their lifestyle looks like. A huge portion of millionaires live in modest homes. They drive old cars. I network with a lot of millionaires because we have something in common and I like to pick their brain and there’s always more you can learn. It’s so funny because the millionaires that I connect with and that I meet with, they’re so excited about their fifteen-year-old car and they’re about to hit 300,000 miles on the odometer. They are excited about that. They’re like, “I’m about to hit 300,000.” They live in nice homes but you notice they said, “I’ve got a good deal on this house.” It’s interesting. It’s this pattern that a lot of people that are very wealthy are good about managing their money and living below their means. They keep increasing their profits, but they take those profits and reinvest them so they keep increasing their wealth. What most Americans do and what they think is people make all this money and they spend all that money. That’s wrong.
Millionaires typically live a very normal everyday lifestyle. For me, I drive a 2008 Toyota Matrix. I love that car. I’ll probably drive it until it stops driving. It’s understanding that I don’t care what people think. What I care about is having the freedom to invest more money to make more money and to not to have to listen to anyone else or have a boss. That’s more important to me. One other story on that and I put this in the book. When I was in Corporate America, I was in corporate sales, all my coworkers had fancy cars, the Mercedes and all those cars. I still had my Toyota Matrix and they would laugh and make fun of my car. Then I quit. I put in my two weeks back in 2016 and I said, “Who’s laughing now?” That’s a perfect example that sometimes people want to look rich, but it’s the wealthy people most of the time that doesn’t care about that flashy stuff. Instead, they’re investing it in smart ways in real estate, in their business or in stocks.
That is something you want. As you’re reading, do you want to create more true freedom? Not the fake false freedom where you’re shackled and a slave to the things that you rent or lease or have payments on, but rather you truly own them. You create freedom. What do you think it would be worth for you and your family that if you had virtually no real debt, you were on the positive side of it? Whether you went to work or not, it would not be a huge deal. What kind of freedom would that give you? Would it give you better choices of what you invested your time in and who you invested your time with? Is your family getting leftovers? Are your kids getting leftovers because of the handcuffs? This might be a new way to look at it but here’s the deal, millionaires don’t drive Ferraris.
Crystal, the idea of a millionaire not driving a Ferrari, I can be a normal human being. I don’t have to be flashy. All show and no go. Before I get into where can people go deeper with you, what’s a simple couple of strategy? With the hundreds if not thousands of people you’ve worked with, what are one to three breakthroughs in the last few months that you’ve found that could transform the game? That would be a huge breakthrough for most people, that you can get money working for you pretty simply.
You might not like what I have to tell you, but it’s simple and it’s the way and it’s the truth. Number one is getting honest about your current financial situation. You’ve got to know where you’re at so you can get to where you want to go. Number one is looking at, “How much am I bringing in? How much am I spending?” Then looking at those expenditures and I know it’s so simple but the truth to doing it is, “What are my fixed costs and what are my discretionary costs and what can I cut?” If you want to become a millionaire or wealthy in general and create this financial freedom to increase your profits so that you can put it back into your wealth making machine and then you need to do some short-term sacrifices typically.
You need to master your mindset to master your business. - Crystal Johnson Click To TweetIf you have a gym membership and you go once a month, maybe you can let that go and walk around your neighborhood or whatever it might be. Starting to look at those discretionary expenses that aren’t necessary. A big area that a lot of people overlook is the food area. They think, “I have to eat,” but it can get outrageous where you’re spending a ton of money on going out to eat or spending more. That’s a good area to look at. Number one is getting clear at where you’re at, “What am I bringing in? What am I having expenses on and how can I close that gap? How can I give more of a gap of savings?” That’s number one and focusing on, “I’m going to create my wealth creation savings pot.” You can even do a separate account and it can be my millionaire account to give you that inspiration or whatever you want to call it. That’s number one, cutting expenses and knowing where you’re at.
Number two is increasing your profits. How can you increase your profits? Probably most of your audience is entrepreneurs. You can think, “Is there a way that I can increase my prices?” Maybe there is, maybe there’s not. “If I’m working one-on-one, what’s a more leveraged way I can work with people?” Maybe that’s group programs, maybe that’s courses. It’s starting to ask yourself and brainstorm with yourself and asking those good high-quality questions. How can I diversify my income within my business and increase profits? A lot of times you might bump into the mindset stuff.
You have to deal with that but that’s a big area. Cut expenses, know where you’re at, increase your profits by getting curious about how you can increase your costs, your investments or what you offer. Then it’s staying the course. A lot of times people will increase their profits and then they increase their lifestyle with that. Your goal is to be self-disciplined at least in the short-term. If you want the Bentley and all these things, that’s fine, but short-term we need to be focused. Then it’s having that time and the third part is figuring out, “How do I even want to invest this money that I’m saving?” Saving it for the sake of saving is not good advice because of inflation and all these different things.
The third thing you want to do is get clear on what feels comfortable to you. Does investing in stocks feel good? Why or why not? If it is stocks, find someone who’s done it and that you want to model. A good thing with that is finding something that you are interested in and that you know about. A big tip I give people is don’t invest in something if it’s complicated and you don’t get it. For example, with real estate, I get it. I buy a property, I buy and hold. I get a tenant and they pay me more than the mortgage. That’s easy. I like it. Find something easy, figure out your criteria and then be on the lookout for those opportunities.
Getting back into the brain, you have what’s called the reticular activating system. When you put this goal in your mind, this criteria, this focus with those savings that you’re creating, you are going to find these opportunities. It’s fascinating how they come to you or you meet the right people or you get the right email and you go at the right time or the market is at the right price, but you have to be prepared. The preparing is cutting your expenses, increasing your profits, using that savings and then investing when the opportunity is right. We were talking a little bit about Warren Buffett and he says, “Be greedy when people are scared and be scared when people are greedy.” You want to hold that pot of savings so when people are really scared, that is the best time for opportunities, but you have to be prepared to pull that trigger.

If we get our thoughts right, we’ll take big and bold actions to get the results quicker.
Are you prepared to pull that trigger as you’re reading? I hope you are. If people want to go deeper, Crystal, because this has been a powerful conversation, where can people go to learn more about what you’re up to, get your resources, access your book and all that stuff?
They can find out more about me. They can get the book. I have a free mindset course that they can check out. You can go to and that’s the best way to find me.
If you want more clarity around wealth and passive income, building, creating and keeping your wealth, then I encourage you to go check out what Crystal’s got for you. You can go to her website. We went through a lot in a short period of time. What would it be worth to break free from financial stress and distress, being a slave to your money and get on the other side of it and have that money working for you? What would that be worth? Take that first step and go learn more at her website. She’s got a wealth of resources and tools to help you. Crystal, as we come down the home stretch here, a couple of things that I like to do is get personal a little bit. It was only a couple of years ago for you, but what were you known for in high school?
In high school, I was never popular and I moved around a lot. My father was in the military so we were always moving around. I don’t know if I was known for it, but I was super adaptable. I got into any environment and that helped with the entrepreneurship. I was known as the person that everyone knows, but not the popular girl. I was also in bands and it was so funny because I was doing the marching band. I played the flute and I would sway my hips and the band director would be like, “Stop swaying your hips.” I was like, “I can’t do this. I can’t have someone yelling at me telling me what to do.” I was the rebel in high school.
You were the rebel and you have the entrepreneurial spirit. When you were a kid, what’s a childhood experience that you remember that you think had an impact on you and shaped who you are?
A lot of people that are very wealthy are good about managing their money and living below their means. - Crystal Johnson Click To TweetThere was a small one. My dad always pushed me a lot and had high expectations and I remember coming home one day and I got a 90 on a test score. I thought it was pretty good. I was like, “I got an A, this is pretty good.” He said, “Is that it?” I’m like, “What?” There’s also some like I have to be okay with where I’m at, but it also helps me to strive and to be like, “I can always do better.” That was a quick thing. For some reasons, that always sticks in my memory of like, “Is that it?” I feel that as humans we’re always evolving and that growth is living. Growth is progress. If you’re not progressing, you’re probably not very happy. It’s a good lesson that I learned early on that I can always be doing better. I know that’s simple but it’s a big profound moment in my childhood.
What are one to three action steps you hope our audience take from our time here?
Number one, be committed to being rich. Make a decision. Make a declaration, “I will be rich no matter what.” Number two, “I will catch myself if I’m making excuses or I’m thinking, “I’m in debt.’” Turn that around into a question. Turn that statement into a question. Meaning, “I’m in debt, what’s the fastest way that I can get off debt? What’s the fastest way I can make more money?” Challenge yourself to catch your negative thinking. Number three, go after it. Take action. If you’re not taking action, ask yourself why. Get curious and be honest with yourself. If you can’t do it yourself, find a mentor. You find someone who has what you want to have and you get them to support you. It’s a lot faster if you can pay someone to help you and you got the support and the encouragement. If you can’t do it yourself and you have this dream and this goal and you feel it, you know it, it’s bothering you, it’s stuck in there. You need to do something and the fastest way to do it is to get help with Dan or me or whoever can help you get there as quickly as possible.
What is something I should have asked you that I didn’t?
I like this question a lot, “What’s your metaphor of life?” I think my metaphor for life and you can get the context of how people think is, it’s like a game to me. Meaning it’s a game that I’m always learning how to get better and better at. It’s a game to progress, to learn the rules and to master the rules, and to go beyond the rules and to do better and better. Life is a game to me. Sometimes people, when I ask them that question, they’ll be like, “Life is a battlefield.” What does that tell you about their mindset? It’s always fighting. No, that’s a game. It’s fun. It’s life. Enjoy it. I love that question.
There you have it. She’s Crystal Johnson. If you want to go deeper, if you want more clarity, more confidence, and more certainty around building passive wealth, if you want a blueprint and direction, go get access to her tools at Check out her book, Millionaires Don’t Drive Ferraris. Crystal, it’s been a pleasure to have you here with us.
Thank you so much.
You’re welcome. I encourage you to take action with what Crystal has been sharing with you. I have four and a half pages of notes. She gave three steps at the end and many numerous wisdom chunks throughout our interview and conversation. Be committed, turn that negative thinking into a positive question and most importantly, take action and find someone who can help you. You don’t have to go with this whole thing alone. I would surmise based on our conversation here, building wealth is much easier than you’ve been led to believe. It starts with the belief. If you’re going, “That’s too good to be true,” you’re right. On the other end, if we open our door, if we open even a little bit, you’ll start to see. Here’s a young 30s building wealth while she’s helping other people do the same thing by following these simple yet practical, actionable and usable strategies. What would happen for you if you did too? Go deeper with what she’s got, We’ll see you next time on Seize the day.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Millionaires Don’t Drive Ferraris
- The Millionaire Launchpad
- Rich Dad Poor Dad
- Change Your Questions, Change Your Life
- Wealth Without Risk
- No Money Down Real Estate
- Millionaire Next Door
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About Crystal Johnson
Crystal Johnson is a self-made millionaire, wealth mindset coach, and author of Millionaires Don’t Drive Ferraris.
She’s the founder of The Millionaire Launchpad where she inspires entrepreneurs to acquire financial wisdom and cultivate a millionaire mindset so that they can create long-term wealth and true financial freedom.
She believes once you change your mind, you can change your life.>Her mission is to change more minds by sharing how simple wealth creation can be once you make the decision to BE rich, not just look rich.