Email Secrets To Help You Get More Clients And Grow Your Business

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GTF 272 | Tips For Using Email


In this Session, you’ll discover:

  • “If I were starting over” – what he would do to get an online business ramped up quickly
  • The importance of focusing on building and using your email list to feed your business
  • 5 tips you can implement now to make email your number one income and client feeder
  • Why email is not “dead” and also why not sending enough emails is a very bad idea (and how often you should really be sending)
  • Keys to making sure that your emails land in people’s boxes and get opened (simple deliverability and engagement tips
  • How to increase your open rates by 50% using personalization
  • A tip for sending emails a second time (without annoying anyone) to get double the opens and response
  • A workaround for how to send videos in emails without doing anything “techie” – this can boost your clickthrough rate by 300% alone
  • Why segmenting your list is important (plus, what it means if you’re not familiar)
  • Learn about an entrepreneur who went from struggling to making $15,000 per month using Dan’s strategies …And more!

Listen to the podcast here:

Email Secrets To Help You Get More Clients And Grow Your Business

I’ve been getting a lot of emails asking, “Dan, what would you do if you were starting over?” I’m going to cover the importance of building your focus and building your list. I want to introduce you to five tips to use emails so that you can grow, make more money, have a bigger impact and put yourself in a position to build an incredible business. Let me speak to the elephant in the room here because a lot of people say, “Email is dead. I don’t want to send more than one email a month or one email a week.” That thinking is keeping you from your bigger future. The problem is, what do we see? Have you noticed that email rates have decreased quite a bit? Maybe your open rates if you’re sending out emails are somewhere out of low end 5%, 8% 10%, 15% or 20%, somewhere in that range. There’s something you can do about it.

Why is this important for you to understand? According to Statista, approximately 293.6 billion emails went out in one day. If you’re not sending out emails, your competition probably is. If people are not getting your emails, responding to your emails and potentially buying from you, they’re probably buying from someone else. Would you rather it be you? There are also over 3.9 billion people worldwide who have emails according to Statista. The Direct Marketing Association, abbreviated DMA, says that for every dollar you invest in email, there’s a $42 return. That’s 42 to 1. Where else can you get that kind of return? If you had an ability to get 42 to 1, how often would you put a coin in that machine? Would it be once a month? Would it be once a week? Would you likely start looking at how you could do what a lot of the big brands do and start doing that every single day?

If you make use of your email properly, chances are you'll be much farther ahead. - Dan Kuschell Click To Tweet

I want to introduce you to the key tips to leverage email. Number one is engagement. Here’s a quick tip for you to use. I encourage you that if you’re building a list, some people call this a list building tool, other people call this a lead magnet. When people come in, they get the first introductory email or some people call it an indoctrination email or a welcome email. I want to encourage you to put this type of message at the top, “It’s important. We need to confirm your email. Please reply to this email with yes to let us know you received the message. Also, immediately move the email to your inbox. For more instructions, click here.” You’ll get a lot of people who will respond yes and you can start the conversation immediately. You can engage with them quickly by getting them to respond yes.

It also boosts up your engagement rates, which helps with your open and delivery rates for the future. You might be going, “Dan, I don’t know what to put for the instructions.” I’ve got you covered there. I got your back. Here’s a simple template that you can model from, “It’s very important. Below you’ll find instructions on how to make sure you receive the emails that you get from us.” There are directions and the directions are how to white list your email. “Hold on for a second because you might go down quickly. I’m going to give you a link for you to be able to grab this as well. Email delivery and email white list process. Your key to email delivery made easy with this free tool. Do you want the tool? You can go get the tool at this URL.” You’re probably going to want to take a quick picture of this. You’re going to want to go to it and you can get your white list instructions as well. It’s critical to boost up your email engagement. Email rates and your delivery rates will likely go up.

GTF 272 | Tips For Using Email

If people are not getting your emails, responding to your emails, and potentially buying from you, they’re probably buying from someone else.


Tip number two. A welcome email has up to an 82% open rate. Look at creating a warm-up welcome email and/or a welcome sequence. Get a response and note these statistics as well. Yours might be lower. It might be higher or somewhere in the middle, depending on what you’re doing with your email. Number three tip. Use personalization. If you use personalization potentially the first name in the subject line or in the email itself. Throughout the email, personalizing is crown. Here’s the key. Whether you use specific names in personalizing your subject lines or in the body copy of your email, write the copy and the email like you’re talking to one single person.

It will increase your engagement, your click rates and your overall impact on what you do. According to lifestyle marketing 2017, they said that you have an increase of up to 50% greater open rates when you personalize your email. That leads us to tip number four. Send follow-up emails to your unopened emails. For example, if you ever send out an email, then if you go into your stats, it’ll show you how many open and how many didn’t. Send a follow-up email maybe from another team member or otherwise to the ones who did not open the next day. You’ll see a certain percentage increased in the open. It’s about increasing the engagement of your emails over time. The email providers love this stuff.

If you're not sending out emails, your competition probably is. - Dan Kuschell Click To Tweet

Tip number five. If you want to increase your engagement and your click rates potentially, if you’re selling stuff, increase the amount of stuff that you sell with what you do, follow this strategy. Video with email. You might go, “I don’t know how to put an email together with a video in it.” Get a screenshot of the video and then make it clickable. You can put a link and then drive it to another page with the video. According to MarTech 2017, click rates are up to 300% higher when you have an image of a screenshot or a video that people can ideally click to or through in the emails. I went the wrong way there.

Let me give you a bonus segment, which is segmenting your list. If you segment your list, you have engaged lists and unengaged lists. You can get as finite with this as you want to, but the simple way to think about it is you have people who opened the list and people who unopened. What you can do is many of the email providers have a way to be able to do this. You might use the support staff of those email providers and say, “How can I find out who my unopened emails for the last 60 days, 90 days are?” I would recommend 180 days.

GTF 272 | Tips For Using Email

Write the copy of your welcome email like you’re talking to one single person. It will increase your engagement, click rates, and overall impact.


You don’t kill them. You don’t cut them out of your list per se. Put them in another list of unopened or unengaged and start emailing them to try to engage them. Once they engage or open, then you can move them over to the opens. You also can do something like this with clicks. You can also do this with your orders if you have people who buy stuff from you, which is cool. Ideally, you’re getting a lot of value. Let me share my story. If you don’t know who I am, my name is Dan Kuschell. I run a company called Breakthrough3X. I’ve built and grown eleven companies over many years. Not everything has been amazing. I crashed three companies. I’ve been through bankruptcy, divorce and other things.

I have built a handful of eight companies roughly that have either been 7 or 8-figure companies. I’ve sold a couple of companies. I’ve been able to buy companies. I’ve done Angel. I’m fortunate. My journey is I found out that the number one asset that most companies want when they buy your business, especially small businesses like $50 million and under in a year, is they come to realize that the top asset is your list. When we built one of the companies that we sold, we had over 100,000 clients in our list and we had over two million subscribers. That made it a fruitful asset for the people who are buying our company. I encourage you if you’re going to put time and energy into something, one of the best places to do it is in emails.

Directions will essentially get people to whitelist your email in their inbox. - Dan Kuschell Click To Tweet

I would encourage you to come back to this episode, go back through these six steps and put these in place. These are simple things that you can start using right away. One of my favorite stories is a client of ours, Phil Mutrie. When we met some time ago, he had been struggling. He had tried a lot of different things that hadn’t worked for him. He was trying to build out programs, courses and all these different types of things. We went to the basics of what we’re talking about here. He struggled for a long time and started working with us. Over a few years, he had earned $9 or some amount like that. It was crazy. In four months of us working with him, he was able to grow up to $15,000 a month in his business.

He also works and helps men hold a stronger position. He’s one of our favorite people. He had become a master of these simple principles. Building an email list is one of the ways he started. If I were near getting started, I would hope someone would encourage me to do what I’m sharing with you, which is to build your greatest asset in the beginning as a small business, which is building your list. You might be saying, “Dan, this is amazing.” Here’s the thing. If you want help, if you’re looking for a way to grow your business, to build your business, to scale your business and do it with far less stress, I invite you to take our B3X, which stands for our company Breakthrough3X, our business 360 Assessment.

GTF 272 | Tips For Using Email

If you want to potentially increase your engagement and click rates, include video content with your emails.


We use over 127 data points to pinpoint what is called your decelerators or the things that are not working and help you identify the accelerators or the things that could be working if you put them in place. They’re like a domino that could tip over 1,000 or a hinge that can swing a big door. When you understand and pinpoint your decelerators and you are clear on the accelerators, it helps you get clarity, confidence, certainty and a proven plan that can work to help you grow with less stress and get your next big breakthrough. If you’d like to get help on this, I would encourage you to check out what we’re doing and go to

If you’d like our help and learn how we’ve been able to help business owners, founders, CEOs like you to be able to grow their business and grow massive results, sometimes doubling, tripling, quadrupling revenue. As well as exponentially growing profits with a lot less stress so you could be at home in time for dinner, to have a high-quality life and have an incredibly fruitful business. We’d love to help. You can get our assessment and we can schedule a call for us to find out how we can help you, find out where there might be a match and find out the options available. You can do that at I encourage you to put these strategies in place. These five-plus tips are simple. They will transform the way you think.

Send follow-ups for unopened emails. - Dan Kuschell Click To Tweet

Think about it. How would it impact you if you went out there and you simply put that lead message in your email welcomes? You’ve got people to engage right away. You’ve got them to put you in the white-listing sequence. What would happen for you if you started sending out more and more emails instead of your competition maybe beating you to the punch? How about if you went out there and you started getting the ability to put the video, which increases click rates by up to 300%. There’s more here, but what if you did those things? How do you suppose it would impact you? How would it impact you in a week, a month, three months, six months, a year from now? Where would you be in a year from now if you put these simple five-plus steps in place? I don’t know where you’d be, but chances are you might be further ahead. Here’s one thing we know. If you do nothing, you’ll get nothing. However, these are simple steps you can start putting in place. I challenge you to put them in place. If you’d like our help, we’d love to serve you. We’ll see you next time. Make it a great day. Seize the day and we’ll see you soon. Bye for now.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Breakthrough Strategy Call

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PS: As we’re heading into a period of change in advertising and economy shifts, if you know of someone who is looking for effective strategies, here are 3 ways we can help.

#1 - Send them to our Podcast (over 200 hours of insights and strategies) at:

#2 - Forward this episode to them.

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About Dan Kuschell

GTF 272 | Tips For Using Emaila Founder, CEO, expert, adviser, coach, consultant, or influencer. You want to have a bigger impact, reach, and contribution!

YET - most of your revenue, sales, and profits are generated from your work, your hustle, you grindin' it, being on call, going to networking events, masterminds, and more.

There is a NEW, better way!

You'd LOVE to have a systematic, predictable, automated way to attract HIGH-Value clients and grow a HIGH GROWTH company. You have a burning desire to grow your business.

You'd LOVE to enroll more right fit clients in a predictable way.

You'd LOVE it if your team could handle most of the work to enroll your clients - but you still find yourself having to do it.

We help you get more new clients, sales, and profits in a predictable, systematic way without the stress.

Want to know more?

If you're a founder, CEO, expert, coach, consultant, adviser, or influencer and you really provide great RESULTS for your clients, you have a solid reputation, and you want to have a bigger impact, reach, and contribution, then let's see if we are a good fit for each other.

We've helped over 5,329 business owners from approximately 180 niche industries, 9+ countries and love to see if we're a good fit for each other.

Connect with me on Linked In or send me a private message at [email protected]

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