The Future is Now: A.I., Robotics, the Abundance Mindset, Peter Diamandis, Abundance 360 and more [PODCAST 48]

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The Future is Now: A.I., Robotics, the Abundance Mindset, Peter Diamandis, Abundance 360 and more [PODCAST 48]


How will your life and business be impacted by A.I., Virtual Reality, Robotics, 3D Printing, Drone Technology, BlockChain, and Crowdsourcing?


Today’s episode is about today, tomorrow, and the future… and the Future is closer than you think!  And what this means for you is that if you are positioned properly and prepared to implement these tools, you’ll be poised ahead of your competition (and not be left behind).

And I want to share a few ideas on how you can take advantage and be ready for these emerging technologies and opportunities…

Having spent 4 days at “Abundance 360,” (hosted by futurist, Genius Network Member, and co-founder of XPrize and Singularity University, Peter Diamandis) it was inspirational and certainly opened up my eyes to all kinds of opportunities for the future… It was a cross between Star Trek, Back to the Future, and I-Robot (the movie)….


Here are some of the highlights you can use and apply today:

Mindset: We talk a lot about the importance of mindset on the Growth to Freedom show, and in particular how to develop an “abundance mindset.” If you’re going to make the most of the powerful changes in technology, you’ve got to be able to foster and feed an abundant mindset.

Exponential technology: Embracing the changes that are coming to the tech space can enable you to be on the cutting edge of the changes that impact your industry and your life. You’ve got to learn to think beyond what’s possible today to see what might be possible in the very near future so that you can position your business for its greatest success.

The crowd: Many companies are already tapping into the resources of the crowd, other people who have ideas, skills, and expertise that helps them move their business and ideas forward. How are you going to act when it comes to accessing the wisdom and insights of the crowd?

Experimentation: What are you willing to fail at in order to develop and grow? Larry Page of Google is well known for saying that he counts the number of experiments and failures they’ve iterated as part of the success of Google, and you can see the benefits of doing so. What role does experimentation need to play in your product development, marketing efforts, and advances in your field of expertise.

The wave is not coming. The future is now!

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn in this show:

  • [0:32] Abundance 360, Peter Diamandis, and your Future
  • [1:54] The future is closer than you think.
  • [3:17] How to tap into opportunities with 3D printing.
  • [4:19] Leadership: Extending the conversation about advancing technologies.
  • [8:24] What can happen as your mindset leans toward abundance.
  • [9:45] The cost of NOT having an abundance mindset.
  • [10:00] What are you willing to fail at for the sake of growth?
  • [13:09] What is the correlation between mindset and technology?
  • [15:57] How experimentation fits into your life and business growth.
  • [19:10] How to stimulate your thinking to get your ideas moving toward reality.  


Resources mentioned on this episode:

The IBM Watson –



This show brought to you by Done for You Solutions. Outsourcing doesn’t have to be difficult.  Whether you’re looking for customer service, optimizing your website, or a virtual assistant to help with reporting, data, or research, Done for You Solutions can help.  I’ve used Done for You Solutions for years and they help simplify. Click here to learn more and let the founder Ric Thompson know that you heard about him from our show.

Genius Network is the place high level entrepreneurs go for collaboration, contribution, and connections not available anywhere else. Members get strategies for exponential growth and opportunities for deal making, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, and more.  Membership is by application only.  Click here to learn more.  I was one of the original members when Joe started it in 2007 and today I get to help grow the company in my current role.  You can also learn more about the Genius Network Annual Event here – which is the one time per year the group is opened to non-members.


People mentioned on this episode:

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Dan Kuschell is a success driven business growth strategist, a media contributor, and thought leader. He helps entrepreneurs, leaders, and business owners grow and scale their companies 10x by driving the flow of elegant ideas, execution, and team-culture for greater clarity, confidence, and direction. Dan has been recognized worldwide for creating results with his resources, books, and strategies.

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