Visionary Founders | Aaron Krall | 309

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Dan Kuschell - Episdoe 309

Aaron Krall is a SaaS conversion strategist, video marketing specialist, and the Founder of SaaS Visionaries, the world’s #1 community for SaaS Founders.

SaaS Visionaries provides a space for high-achieving, successful founders to get help, wisdom, and advice from other members of the community so that they can create actionable plans and build scalable, predictable SaaS businesses. In addition to his work at SaaS Visionaries, Aaron specializes in helping SaaS companies create onboarding sequences that convert trial sign-ups into active, paying users through his onboarding email formula and onboarding accelerator workshop.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • Aaron Krall introduces Dan Kuschell to SaaS Visionaries, his community of leading SaaS founders
  • The six biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make with their businesses
  • Dan talks about his entrepreneurial background and how he overcame failures in order to achieve success
  • Why businesses should build a buyer’s model, not a selling model
  • How to create and implement an irresistible offer that helps your business get 10 times the results
  • The four components of a great offer—and how to make a guarantee that fits your business
  • Why is it important to test your offers?
  • What is the “campfire method” and how can you use it to ignite interest and get more clients?
  • Dan’s advice to founders: go beyond email
  • Nathan Slade’s experience in humanizing his marketing approach for his e-commerce business

In this episode…

Are you a founder or entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level? Have you tried every marketing technique out there but still can’t find a way to generate more sales and make a greater impact? What if there was a tried-and-true strategy for multiplying your growth, decreasing your churn, and finally achieving your goals?

Many business leaders find themselves making the same mistakes when trying to grow their businesses: they focus on tactics rather than principle-based strategies, they don’t implement operating systems for marketing and sales, and they let automation get in the way of their profits. So, what is the solution? And how can you turn things around for your business? If you find yourself making these mistakes, it may be time to try Dan Kuschell’s five-step formula for generating more leads, more clients, and more profits.

In this episode of Growth to Freedom, Dan Kuschell joins Aaron Krall and his SaaS Visionaries community to share his five steps for tripling your growth and reducing your churn in just 30 days. Dan shares the major mistakes entrepreneurs are making with their businesses, how to create and implement an irresistible offer, and why you should go beyond email to humanize your marketing approach. Stay tuned to discover how to take your business to the next level today!

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Episode Transcript

Dan Kuschell 0:04

Welcome to, the show that brings you inspiration, transformation and leadership are helping you connect the dots, see the blind spots and get unstuck. So you can go create more sales, more growth, more profits, and more. So you can have a bigger impact of your reach and make a bigger contribution. And if that’s what you want, you are going to love today’s episode, today’s segment today’s session, why? Well, would it be worth if you could learn what some of the top visionary founders are doing one of the fastest growing industries in the world, in the SaaS business, software as a service? Would you like to know some of the strategies that are working also some that are not working, what to do, what not to do when it comes to building your operating system, around marketing, around sales, and a whole lot more? Well, if so, you are going to love today’s segment called Visionary Founders. Now this episode is also a special episode because I was asked to speak in an event, a mastermind, if you will, for these visionary founders in the SaaS industry, where we customized I customized the presentation. And we talked about the process called hop, HOP is the process we’ve used for over two decades. It’s a process that work then it’s a process that work now and it’s a process that will work for you starting today. So if you’re looking for a way to get more sales, get more clients, apply some of what’s working in, in the SaaS industries to your business, I think you’re going to love the segment. Oh by the way, if you want to come back to this episode, you can do that by going to that’s, if you never want to miss an episode, you can go to, that’s And while we’re at it, if you’re looking for a way to be able to get more new clients with less reps to be able to have an opportunity to triple your business with less stress, and get an opera operating system for your sales and marketing implemented in the stall where you can be in your sweet spot. And you can have someone physically acting as the virtual cmo or the virtual marketing team for you, then let’s have a conversation and see if we’ve got a right fit. We are so blessed and so fortunate to work with 1000s and 1000s of private clients right now to help them grow their impact with a lot less stress by putting in these proven strategies, proven methodologies. And you can take the first step right now, with our 100% free consultation and strategy call, you can do that by going to, that’s And in addition to that, if you’re looking for a way to understand what’s working for visionary founders, maybe like you, and enjoy this segment with my good friend, Aaron Krall, the Founder of Visionary founders, we’ll see you soon. Check this out. Here we go.

Aaron Krall 3:09

I just want to introduce Dan by saying that he is one of the people that the experts go to when they need to have major breakthroughs. I’m gonna make just read a list of some of the clients and people that he’s worked with. Some of these names may mean nothing to you because they’re, they’re not in SaaS. Some of them you may recognize. Joe Polish with a Genius Network. I think you’re actually the CEO of Genius Network, Growth Institute with Vern Harnish a lot of these Vern Harnish Joe, Dean Graziosi, Mike Aguilera, T. Harv Eker. A lot of these people if you have books on my shelf, millionaire mindset. And some other books that I know Vern Harnish and T. Harv Eker have written written some really good books, and they’re very, they’re phenomenal people. And Dan has had a really interesting life. 11 years ago, you had a life threatening illness. And is that right? And if you get to know him, you’ll see a scar on his head that I think you love. And it says II think you told me that it’s it’s one of those things that reminds you that you’re unstoppable and and imperfections are your perfections which I really love that that’s fantastic. Yeah. So today, When, when, first of all, if you stay to the end, we have a really special gift for you. That’s just for SaaS visionaries. And I’m not just saying that to kind of get you to stick around, although I am hoping that you’ll stick around. We just kind of negotiated something for you. He’s going to give something away to the group. That’s gonna be really helpful. But today we’re gonna talk about what he’s what he’s calling the five strategies. Three x growth and reduce churn in 30 days, this will help you make more money, it’ll help you stand out in your crowd. Because a lot of us are competing against what I what I really hate is when you have a better product and your inferior competitors taking your market share. And so that’s one of the things one of the things that I teach. And Dan is going to talk about this, how to attract your perfect clients. And not and not be at risk of becoming a statistic, or commoditized, which is what a lot of our biggest fears are. And he’s going to show you firsthand how to get a proven what he calls an operating system for marketing and sales in place. So you can have a bigger impact, reach, and contribution. So with that, Dan, I introduce you to SaaS Visionaries, welcome. And I’ll let you take it from here. Oh, and if you have questions in the chat, Dan is not going to be looking at the chat. I’ll be looking at the chat and writing down questions that you have for him, at the end of his presentation will open it up for q&a, where you could ask Dan, anything that you have questions about anything around whatever we’ve talked about, or what we haven’t talked about. That’s because sometimes things come up. Dan has done a lot of stuff. And he grew a company to 135 employees with 20 million revenue, sold a bunch of companies. And so if you have any questions about that, please ask him today, my goal is that you will walk away with some huge, major breakthrough in your business that will take you to the next level. So with that, Dan, I’m going to mute myself. And I’ll let you take it from here. Awesome.

Dan Kuschell 6:47

Awesome. So do you guys remember being a kid you guys remember getting that? Or maybe this time of year when you were little? This was like a big gift for me when I was a kid? I’ll talk more about that later. But, you know, you might be asking, well, Dan, why are you holding this little Rubik’s Cube? Right? Well, this Rubik’s Cube has everything to do with your SaaS company. Right. And the reason is, is I don’t know if you know this, or not many of you probably know this, but Google actually studied the Rubik’s Cube. And you realize they’re actually over 18 million combinations to solve this little three by three by three puzzle 18 million plus. And what they found also is that if you know the code, there’s actually 18 to 20 moves that will work all the time, every time 100% of the time, if you know what those 18 to 20 are. And that has a lot to do with your business, doesn’t it? Right, sometimes it can feel a little crazy, a little overwhelming. Like, you know, experts are saying to do this, do that they contradict each other, etc. But what if you could get to the core 18 to 20 moves that really matter? How would that impact you heading into this next 12 months? How would it impact you in the next quarter, you know, to simplify things, to get ultimate clarity to get you out of the day to day of your business, if you just have the proven path of the 18 to 20 things that matter? So my goal today is to introduce you and I’m going to share my screen here real quick. And by the way, if you could do me a favor, could you type your industry or service in the chat window for all of us to see, including me? That would be really helpful. Because this is going to be a very personalized presentation. And we’re going to open it up to q&a. I asked a friend appear and also someone I got a chance to mentor many years ago to join me. How many of you guys know who Jay Abraham is? Can you raise your hand, put a thumbs up or something. So Jay Abraham has become a good friend over the years. And one of the things Jay talks about if you follow his work, and if you don’t, no big deal. Like he’s, you know, considered like the 100 Billion Dollar Man or whatever, the highest paid consultant in the world. According to you know, recent statistics. And if you follow Jay he says the best way to learn and shorten the learning curve is to learn outside of your industry. So I asked one of my friends and peers and also someone I mentored years ago, Nate Slade to join me. And when we get to the fifth strategy, with what we’ll go through, I’ve asked me to join me because that’s going to be q&a. Nate has built not one, not two, but three companies recently just in the last X number of days. In fact, he actually exited an e commerce business. And he’s taken a lot of the strategies we’ve shown him and applied it in an industry that really isn’t used to putting them in place and completely transformed not only his business to make it valuable to exit and sell but also People are now starting to knock that off and copy it in MMA, the highest form of flattery many times as you know, duplication, right? So we got a lot of great stuff we’re going to walk you through here as we go. So we’re gonna introduce you to the five strategies to three x growth, and also decrease churn in 30 days, and also introduce you to the idea of building your operating system for sales and marketing to get you out of the day. This is what’s working today, by the way, I’m very active not only with my business, but we work with about 20 private clients. Most of them are seven and eight figure businesses, many of them have a goal to exit and sell and or get free from the day to day. And so I want to introduce you to some of the, you know, things that are working right now that you can apply. And when you leave, you know, we’re going to show you a method of how to fill your pipeline with high value premium clients who are pre sold on working with you by having and blank blank in place of this simple approach to blank. So you can immediately get more clients revival leads and reduce your turn, how to blank by blank with inquiries and convert four out of 10 additional new clients how to position yourself as a go to authority and expert in your industry by blankety blank, your process, and your clients will say the number one thing instead of blank that you need to get and keep them as a client and a whole lot more. Now, by the way, you don’t know what blank is. But this is for you. If maybe you’re frustrated that you’re not attracting as many SaaS clients and feel, in some ways deep down like you’re like the world’s best kept secret at some level. Or it’s for you, if you want a system for generating a steady flow of new clients daily without risking money on advertising, right? Or you want to reduce churn of your clients starting right now. Now, why is this important? Right? There are so many great SaaS entrepreneurs, Aaron alluded to this just a little bit ago, right? Where you have a superior service or a superior product or both. And yet, someone else is dominating the marketplace, and the world has changed, right? So I want to introduce you to some things that are going to help you immediately today that you can implement not theory, but actually things that will work for you. Now, I want to hit with, you know, this idea of what are some of the biggest mistakes that we see, I know, Aaron and I were on a training platform with a community that were a part of a mastermind and I was asked to speak at and this guy, Brandon to the left, asked the group, you know, what are some of the biggest mistakes that you see people making in their business, you might want to grab a pen, grab a piece of paper, kind of tune in to see if you can relate to some of these, right? Number one is the big mistake that people make, or this would be number six, I’m going to go in reverse order, focusing on tactics versus principle based strategies. So many people get caught up on focusing on tactics and not principle based concepts. In other words, they’re not focused on timeless things. They’re focused on timely, then the magic red button, the you know, the magic copy line, the magic sentence, right? Those are tactical, and although tactical is supportive, when you get the principle based strategies, right? You make yourself bulletproof, you put a moat around your castle called your business called your SaaS company. Why is this important? Have you ever known somebody that was absolutely crushing it? for six months, a year, even a couple years, and then all of a sudden, some big blue company or some oogle company comes in and changes an algorithm and they’re out of business three months later, have you guys seen this happen? I’ve seen it happen too often, I’ve been impacted by these types of things. And that’s why this is one of the most important things. Next, the offer is good, yet not irresistible. We’re going to spend a little bit of time on this one. So I’m not going to go too deep right now on that because I want to show you some ideas and insights on how to think about building an irresistible offer, number four in the list, lacking authority, right? There’s a lot of marketing experts out there that teach that in order for them to buy from you, they must know, like and trust you. And that’s the biggest line of bullshit that I’ve seen so many good hard working people follow that will take you to a path called broke. And the reason is, is you know, maybe this applies to you, but maybe it doesn’t. We’ve done a lot of surveys with entrepreneurs, CEOs, literally we’ve reviewed over 4000 companies in the last few years alone, and we’ve surveyed the people who run them. And the large majority of them are introverts, over 70%, and are people pleasers. And so if you teach a people pleaser and an introvert to build a model based on likability, it becomes a business where they’re begging instead of attracting. And we’ve discovered that the nuance to this is not like and trust. But rather trust and respect. Because think about it, let’s just go to common sense. Have you ever bought something from somebody who didn’t know well enough to like or not? Like? Of course you have. So if it’s all based on know, like and trust, well, why is it that so many times we buy stuff we’ve never met, and we don’t know if we like or trust them, it’s more important to have people trust and respect us. Right. And we’ll get more into that as well. Next, number two, or I’m sorry, number three, lack, they lack a model that moves people through the journey. In fact, if you can draw a line on your sheet of paper, I want you to be we’re going to get into this journey process in a bit. But as you think about your client journey, there’s the client journey called, you know, warm up, then there’s where there’s an offer. And then there’s the follow up. Right? Now done right, when your warm up your offer and your follow up are really systematized and working well, you you have tremendous impact. It’s called ROI three, what is ROI three ROI three goes beyond the return on investment. Of course, we all want to return on investment. Of course, we want $5 for every dollar we spend on whatever we spend on employees, staff, advertising and a whole lot more. But if you really stopped in factored, what is the in each of those levels, your warm up your offer? And your follow up? What the return on interaction is? Like, what is that interaction, like if you really charted that path? Or how about the return on implementation of something. And more importantly, what’s the cost of not measuring your return on implementation, or not measuring your return on interaction, right, that’s why this journey becomes so important. And we’re only going to have time to go into a little bit of it today. But hopefully, this opens a new way of thinking for you. Number two, on the list of six biggest mistakes, lacking an operating system for marketing and sales. You know, sales is here, marketing is here. And they kind of work on islands instead of being functionally set up to operate together. And when you get them to operate together, you get exponential lifts. We’ll talk about some of that too. And the number one mistake is actually letting automation get in the way of you making an impact and making more money. And we’re going to spend a lot of time on that. Now, how many of you guys have had experience with some of these six mistakes? Can you be a truth teller? Or is it just a couple of us? Okay, you know, Dan Sullivan has a great quote, I think it’s an AA quote, but I’ll give him credit for it, which is the first progress starts by telling the truth, right. So, you know, the, the fact of the matter is, is how much are these mistakes costing most companies, most founders, not just financially, but also stress costing, being away from family or having to be on call at the damn holidays, right, or having to be doing text messages with people, you know, on Christmas Eve, or on, you know, New Year’s Eve or whatever, when you would probably want to be doing something more productive with your family. And I’ve been there, you know, I’ll talk about that. In fact, let me share a little bit about my background. So my name is Dan Kuschell, I’m a husband and dad, one, a and one B. And then everything else, right. I’m a founder of a company called Breakthrough 3x, author for best selling books, or Forbes rated our show Growth to Freedom is one of the top shows available. I’ve had over 250,000 clients, most of them online, we’ve had over 2.1 million subscribers for our online resources and tools to help founders and CEOs from 180 industries in 11 different countries, and men blast a partner. You know, in Aaron mentioned a handful of the names I’ve partnered and work with some of the biggest names and brands in the industry. I don’t know if you know this guy in the top left, most people don’t. But they know his brand, which is called ESPN. He was the founder His name is Bill Rasmussen. Dean Graziosi, Joe Polish, Vern Harnish and Daniel Marcos who are partners Janet Attwood the whole lot more. I’ve been very blessed, especially in the last decade or so of my life. And all of it’s been a blessing, but I’ve had some rocky roads to get here. And, you know, the fact our top client has paid us like $970,000 to work with them. Why? Because we’ve helped him grow over $10 million. And so you know, the thing is, is you’re working with Aaron Aaron, right? In his visionaries program are some of you are considering moving and working with him in his accelerator program. like think about it, like, if someone were able to help you grow by 10 million, like what would you pay for that? Right, it becomes free, done, right? It should be free. Like if you’re working with Aaron and his accelerator program, it’s free. I mean, his promises, essentially, in 12 months, he’ll help you grow by an additional million dollars like that should be free. And ideally, you see the value of that at some point, right? Or in the visionaries program. You know, you’re getting access to all the amazing leaders and so on. Right? So for me, though, it wasn’t always a success path. When I started, you know, incorporating online strategies to build and grow my businesses, I struggled for my first six months or longer. In fact, and and I remember, I was sitting in my office one day at a small team, and I was sitting there. And I’d like to do this exercise encourage you to think about this exercise too, as a strategy for you is every month I like to sit down and go, What do I have to do to double it, you know, sometimes the double is time off, sometimes the double revenue, double profits double, you know, different parts of the business, I like to think in terms of doubling all the time. And when you double all the time, over a course of a year, you start to get some substantial exponential return. But this particular time, I had a small team, about 18, 20 people, I was in my small office. And I started thinking about what it would take to double our revenue. And I started breaking out and I don’t know if you’ve ever had this happen, but I started breaking out in a cold sweat, I started getting nauseous, I started getting this pit in my stomach, I started like, like, almost like kind of dry heaving. And the reason was, because I came to the reality as I was scratching out this game plan on a piece of paper, what would it take to double that I was gonna have to double my staff. And that freaked the hell out of me, frankly, like the going from, like 20 people to 40 I already had enough headaches and enough, you know, over overwhelm and overload, right. And so it was scary. And it was nervous. And at the same time, I was thinking there’s got to be a better way. And that’s where I started, like incorporating or trying to incorporate some of these online things. But what happened is, after multiple attempts online, I questioned whether I was good enough, and that little voice going back and forth. I mean, I put out an offer and it didn’t work, I put out another offer didn’t work put out another offer didn’t work. I mean, this went out in like 678 times over a few months. And I was ready to give up. But I felt burnt completely fried, and burnt out. And I was tired of all of everything being on my shoulders, and all these people, them and their families, if you guys have employees, you know what I’m talking about. And I felt like the weight of the world was on me for my wife and my kids. And and it was stressful. And it kind of looked like this. You know, there was I was torn. Like we have basically a model that was one month it was profitable. another month, we lose some money quarterly, it was kind of this kind of roller coaster. And it was mostly it felt like manual labor. And I was intrigued by it. Like how can I do this online thing and automate most of it and, you know, create these systems and all these sorts of things. And it was like I Well, you can see, I went from that to this, like I literally pulled all my hair out. And there came a day where I let go, right? And again, coming back to this queue. Right? You don’t know what you don’t know, until you know what you don’t know. Now, I don’t know if you have an ego. But here’s what I know I got a huge ego. And letting go of any control is like super hard for me. If you know, if you got to know me, you would still know that that’s kind of the case, even today, my wife would definitely tell you that. Right. And here I was six months of beating my head against the wall doing it my way. And you know, and we didn’t i didn’t stop, of course running my business. But one of the partnerships that we were we’re looking to develop I don’t know how many of you guys have ever heard of the Two Comma Club. Anybody heard of the Two Comma Club? If you haven’t no big deal. So my friend Joshua created the Two Comma Club, and then later sold it to the person who owns it today. And he had the Two Comma Club and what it was at that time was a newsletter publication. And we had integrated some software into this thing, right, a software service tied with the newsletter. And Joshua had created it like he had like, I don’t know, 4020 3040 different additions wrapped and packaged in this delivery system. And in my business, I wanted another recurring revenue stream. And I was toying with the idea I was going to do it, but I’m here I was still trying to figure out beat my head against the wall of, you know, creating an online sales system. And it just wasn’t working. Right. So Joshua would come into town, he came into Phoenix, at the airport Hilton, we sat down and you ever meet people, you get into these conversations of ideas. And you know, it sounds good, looks good. And then it’s like months later before you’re finally getting the deal done. ever had that happen? That isn’t what happened with Joshua and I. He came to Phoenix. We talked about the idea. I said I want to bring this into our fold. I had 1000s of customers and hundreds of 1000s of subscribers. And I knew I didn’t want to be writing this dang thing and doing all the work. He already had it all this technology already done. And we partnered and that day we partnered we agreed on the percentage that day and I’m an implementation type of person. And I build good teams to get stuff done for people. We literally built the model, launched it that day, that afternoon in the hotel, and he walked out of there with clients. And I walked out of there with new recurring revenue and a new sense of freedom with another recurring revenue stream. And he he asked me a great question. That’s a question you might want to get in the habit of asking because it’s an amazing, simple question, what’s the biggest thing you need the most help with right now? I said, you know, I’ve been beating my head against the wall trying to figure out this, you know, online conversion thing. Would you take a look at it goes, of course, absolutely. I gave him all our materials, stack them up. He flew home. He called me back the following week and said, Dan, I’ve got good news. And I’ve got bad news. What do you want for I said, well, bad news. He says, Well, I can’t work with what you’ve got. The good news is I love what you’re doing. The quality, the integrity, all this stuff, the packaging is amazing. Would you allow me to help you? And I said, Yeah, of course. So what he did, but but now by the way, I have a strong ego. You know, Pedros, I don’t know if you know, Pedro’s a big big in the fitness industry. Pedros says, you know, my ego. My ego is not my Amigo. Right. And I had a choice to make, keep doing it my way struggle. It was the plateau, rollercoaster rides, etc. and be prideful. Or I could let go a little and just why not just try it? Why not just give it a shot? What’s the worst that could happen? I ultimately, reluctantly, with a lot of resistance, just said, I’ll try it. And so Joshua interviewed me multiple times, he interviewed my staff, he got our staff, they interview our clients, again, all of these ideal principles idea you’re pulling out of here, as I’m sharing the story, like our real life, things you can be doing to help your business right now. We did this over the course of about 30 days or so 45 days, and then we co worked on the sales process and the letter and the method and the model. And we launched it about 90 days later. And what happened was flippin unbelievable. And it was the day like literally the day or time my life transformed. Because in less than 90 days, we launched and we generated more sales online than our entire team of 20 reps. But I was skeptical. It’s like, Oh, we have this build up, because I had a lot of subscribers and clients over a couple years that we had already built up. And so I was like, oh, what’s it going to be like on day two, after the initial launch or surge of about day three, and it just steadily kept going and kept going and kept going. So we turned up the spigot on advertising and traffic. And this continued. And before we knew what we were generating over 300 clients for our primary model. And then we grew the recurring revenue model to over 5000 clients a month. That became something he ended up selling off to another party that you may know, what made the difference are these things again, just to kind of summarize, because there’s a lot of lessons and already in these couple segments, we created an irresistible offer that we got people to buy from us versus having to be sold. You might want to write that down. Build a buyer’s model, not a selling model. What does Apple so good at what is Starbucks so good at you know, people aren’t being sold to go there, they buy into the method. That’s where that warm up, offer, follow up comes in the ROI cube, right next, where we’re positioned as an authority, probably for the first time and I learned what that was about, we’ll share some of those insights with you too. We learned to build a list of clients and potential clients massive. We had a conversion model that brought us clients every day online predictably. And we had a follow up system to communicate and convert those clients every day. And I felt like I got a new chance another chance and I went to work even harder. We grew this thing to over as Aaron mentioned over 20 million a year. And then I was blessed. You know, we helped over 200,000 clients, I got to coach over 5000 founders in over 180 different industries grew the business over 500 grand a week. Right and I got great opportunities to meet people like Richard Branson and hanging out more than a few times over on his Island cool things I sold not one but two companies off the momentum and also off the wisdom that we grew. And now we get people coming up. So Dan, Hey, could you help me do that I’d love to learn how to get free or get out of my business. Either way, right? So want to introduce you how you can get a perfect client blueprint in place so you can three extra growth and reduce churn despite what’s going on in the world today. Now, by the way, here are the five strategies. We’re going to walk through and spend some time on strategy one, how you can get 10 times the results by getting an irresistible offer in place strategy to the high touch high conversion method that brings you clients and converts old leads while your competition quietly wonders if they’ll even be able to make it another year. Strategy three The first thing to incorporate that gets clients and reduce churn strategy for the integrated approach to get clients to say, you get me. And not only do they order they reorder and stay for life. Strategy number five, our bonus q&a session, like I mentioned, I introduce you to Nate slave, and some of the great techniques he’s put in place outside of traditional means in that niche and that industry that many of you will be able to put in place as well. Now, by the way, if we cover these five strategies, how many of you would consider that this would be a valuable hour? hour? So spent together? Would you guys agree? Okay, now, by the way, you might be wondering, you might be going down, are you going to sell us something? Yes, absolute flipping lewdly? That you bet I am. Here’s what I’m going to sell you, I’m going to sell you on your bigger future today. I don’t have a product to sell. No, I don’t. I break a lot of rules. When I do this stuff I’ve been very blessed over over the course of my life that, you know, whether I sell something to you today are not isn’t going to impact me at all. And I’m grateful for that. I don’t say that with arrogance. I say that with a lot of humility. And I love to be able to give and provide value, and so on. And if there’s a fit at some point down the road, you have you refer to somebody you think is good for us. Or maybe we end up working together too, right? So let’s dive into it. Strategy number one, how to get 10 times the results by getting your irresistible offer in place. First thing to do. And please don’t take this lightly. There’s a tendency sometimes for people to go I already fill in the blank, you know what I’m gonna say? I already know that. Well, here’s how you know it, is you’ve got results coming out of your you know what, right? The key is, is keep it simple, right? Keep it simple. Chances are at the level most of you are playing, especially if you’re playing in Aaron’s world, as a visionary leader, you need new ideas, like you need a hole in your head, you don’t need new ideas. You need more things to implement. I’m going to show you some simple things. Again, these are proven to work and many times help companies grow more than three X grow 10 X and 20 x many times. So get inside your prospect set. When’s the last time you made five phone calls? 10 phone calls to your best clients and ask them these questions. What are you worried about right now? You’ll learn more in five minutes by calling your five to 10 best clients and going Hey, what are you worried about right now? Then dreaming up all the sophisticated Fancy Pants funnels models, copy all this nonsense. Get in real conversation? What are you worried about right now? Right? Another key thing to ask or think about? What breakthrough outcome transformation experience do you desire? Right. And also tune in to the language they use? Not what you think it is? What are they saying? You’ll start to hear these rep repetitive themes, the repetitive ways they say same thing, right? Hey, working with us? What’s your what’s the dream comes true solution? If we could offer it to you, what would it be? Now, as simple as this sounds, you know, usual, I’ll present like this to, you know, high high level groups like like this and like you and about 75% won’t do anything with it. But the 20 25% who do, the feedback we get on the results they get from it is off the charts. So I encourage you, although it’s simple, get in these conversations and get inside your prospects heart in their head. Now, just give you a quick thing, where did I learn how to build an irresistible offer, truthfully, accidentally. When I was 22 years old, I started my first company in 1992, probably before some of you were born. And it was before the internet. And it was in the business of direct mail, Radio TV offerings. And that’s what we did. And I focused on health club owners. And we had a software I had a guy I hired he took a buyout from Apple, its name was Cyrus, and I had him created custom SAS program that we work with health club owners, and we would go to them we had this unique Technology and Training combined with client generation, we’d go if you were the if you were a client, or you owned a health club, let’s say maulin. I go to Milan and say Melinda, if we could show you a way to help you generate 200 clients in the next 60 days. And there’s no risk to you, our company will actually run the ads for you on TV, radio and direct mail. And then we’ll split the profits. Would you want to know more about it? Seven out of 10 people we made that irresistible offering to would say yes, and then we’d screen them. Client selection. That’s been another one of my big mistakes client selection. I saw that somebody you know, hired some wrong clients that look like in the in the initial start of this. It’s so important to focus on your client selection. Like Who do you want is your perfect ideal client. What are their characteristics? What are their qualities? I wasn’t as good as it back in 1992. And I still believe I’m getting better at it every day. But man, when I see people in their companies I see potential, right? Maybe you know what I mean? And so we would screen out the clients and out of the, you know, seven that would say, yes, we’ve narrowed down to like three or four, and then out of three or four, we’d usually enroll one to two, pretty consistently. And my first year, first six months of business, we did over a million dollars in revenue. It was pretty, pretty amazing, right? But then I learned something is I learned, I didn’t know how to run a company. At that time, truth be told, I found myself good at being able to get clients good at being able to help my clients get clients, but what I was not good at at 22 years old, in 1992, was running a damn business. And so that business ultimately crashed and burned. You know, and although I have a sad story, I could wrap around it was it was that it’s on me, I mean, my best friend business partner emptied our bank account at one point and left me, you know, empty, and I had to regroup. But that’s on me because I didn’t know how to set up a business or a partnership, or any of those kind of fairly important things when you’re running a business and how do you learn them? Many times you learn them if you don’t have guidance, like working with someone like Aaron in this community or other communities like this, or being mentored by somebody, you make these hard, you have these hard lessons, right, in many of you probably have your own version, the key is is the irresistible offer. Fast forward, we’ve created 1000s, and 1000s and 1000s of irresistible offers, I want to show you some of the strategies to think about in creating yours right now. Right and look at like, what can you do to reset even if your offers killing it right now? What if you could make it even better? What if you could take it up to 10% 20%? So don’t again, if somebody were just killing it? I know some of you are. Don’t make light of the simplicity. I challenge you to focus on like, Yeah, what would happen if I could just improve it? 10% more 20%? More 50%? More. Now some of you’re struggling with your offer? Well, let’s give you some keys, whatever level you’re at, in your SaaS business to be able to take it to the next level first. What would happen if you could give people the perception they could get results in advance? Right? How could you offer your software in a way like we did in the health club is all the way back in 19, prehistoric days I get it’s like, wow, you know, the stories of walking barefoot through the snow that your parents told? My parents told me and your parents told you probably right? How can you give the perception and feeling that you can help your clients get results in advance? really key strategy? Number two is how can you deliver it in a way where they feel minimal or no risk? Or what Jay Abraham’s term is called risk risk reversal. Like what would happen those two things right there? What would you have to do to create the perception and feeling results in advance? And no risk? Right, Dean Jackson has been called the Buddha of marketing. And he has a very simple way of describing He called this cheese versus whiskers, right? And what is that? Like? If you’re a mouse? Right? So your client will call a mouse for now? No, don’t please don’t miss read this. What I’m saying it’s it’s his analogy of cheese versus whiskers. So what a mouse wants more than anything in the world is to eat a lot of cheese. Right? And so that’s the outcome. That’s the benefit. That’s the breakthrough. That’s the transformation they want cheese. So what do they need to avoid? They need to avoid the pain of whiskers. What are whiskers cats eaten them? Right? Or another? pain to avoid is a mousetrap. Right? So cheese versus whiskers. We need both in our offerings. Are you putting both in your office? Or you only selling the benefit the outcome? Or are you showing them how to avoid the pain, the cost of inaction, the cost of not doing it with you the cost of like sanity, the cost of you know simplicity, like what is the cost of that? chaos, overwhelm burnout and a whole lot more which you know, many of you have services, you can solve most people’s problems just with the right packaging cheese versus whisker. Another issue Joe polishes had been a client of ours that Aaron had brought up earlier. You the worst offer you can make is no offer it all. Here’s a question I have for all of you today. How many offers Have you made today so far? If it’s zero, there’s a problem. How many offers did you make yesterday? If it’s zero or one, maybe there’s a problem? How about the day before about last week? About the week before? How many offers is Apple made today? You think they’re probably going to make 203 100 offers. They’re online, they’re offline TV, radio. Now you might go well, then we don’t have the budget to those companies. It’s not about the budget. It’s about it’s not about resources. It’s about being resourceful. What could you do to be resourceful to make consistent offers everything. Now I hear what some of you are probably saying in your mind, right? Well, I would feel like I’m too salesy or to hype if I made offers every day. That’s because you just don’t feel comfortable yet and how to actually put out a good offer. A good offer doesn’t feel like you’re selling a good offer feels like they’re buying. It’s a buyer’s offer, not a selling offer, we’ll show you some strategies on how to Hey, can

It's not about resources. It's about being resourceful.” - Dan Kuschell Click To Tweet

Aaron Krall 40:17

I pause you real quick on that? I think even the term offer has a lot of different definitions. Can you just define what what would you consider to be an offer?

Dan Kuschell 40:30

Absolutely. How about this, we’ll simplify it like, basic level, it’s making an invitation to take action. That’s simple. Right? Making an invitation to take action and move forward. Right? So take out offer take out selling, it’s just an invitation. All of us have recommended good movies and restaurants. That’s an offer. Or it’s an invitation or both. Right? It’s an invitation. So you know, for example, many of you are in the SAS business. And you’re you know this far better than I do, right. But let’s talk about two historic companies, right? MSN launched hotmail? And do you realize that their approach is called by invitation only when they started when they launched hotmail and I might have the stats, I don’t have them in front of me. So I’m doing this off the cuff. When they did the by invitation only they What did they do? If you remember back in Hotmail, some of you might be too young to remember this. But they you know, had an email and if you had the free Hotmail account, it said PS, we love you wanting to get your own Hotmail account. Do you know that they got millions of users in like 24 months, with that simple by invitation only PS message? What if you put your own PS messages and like you have a team, and you might have a team member when someone sends a customer service request, for example. And you know, you want to acknowledge it. So you have the bounce back message that says thanks for your inquiry, one of our staff will respond to you within whatever, 24 hours or less PS. And now you put an invitation to move forward with you with some kind of an offer. Just like hotmail did. One of the bigger companies in the world well, Microsoft, Google, by the way, they liked the method so much. What did they do? They knocked it off. They did a by invitation only you guys may remember when they launched Gmail, you actually had to number one, you had to get the invitation. And then there were people, companies or people selling the ability, like for four or $500 to get a Gmail account. Remember that elusive invitation? Right. But they did a very similar thing with the p s and they generate, I believe it was like 30 million users in six months, by invitation only. Right? So think of like what would happen for you to create your by invitation only methods, you could put it in every every email you ever send moving forward PS, here are a couple ways we can help you 1, 2, 3 if you don’t have three, just put one. That’s what hotmail did. Right? Your team could be sending back bounce back messages when when it’s a reply mail, right? When that bounce back goes out. PS Here are a couple ways we can help you 123 by invitation only, it’s subtle. It’s understated. And it’s not a sale. It’s an invitation, an offer. And it’s more of them someone buying, right because someone who clicks on that is curious. In other words, the other idea of this era, and I could spend an hour on this, so I’m going to cut it out second. Think of your offers moving forward as invitations and design to pique interest. That’s it pique interest. So it’s asking a question to get the pig. You know, hey, Rahim. Are you interested in seeing this new amazing, you know, movie called Wonder Woman 84. interest if he’s not interested, he’s not going to click on it. But if he is he would hit on it. Right? So depending on the problem, all of you. Here’s another challenge. Most people again sell in terms of benefits and outcomes. They don’t do the other side of the pain or the whiskers to avoid what is and here’s the number one question to be asking what is the problem you solve? And ask it as a question. like ours for example. I’ve just shameless self promotion right here. You if you come into our ecosystem, you’re going to see our constant messaging is Do you need help getting a steady flow of new clients? If yes, we can help and we’ve got a couple ways we can help you. Right. That’s the problem we saw. We help companies get new clients daily and build the operating system to do that. So what is the problem you solve that you could state as a question, go here a couple ways we can help you and boom, now you got this, then you can flip that into making an invitation for them. Do you know of someone who would like to solve this problem? by invitation only? So anyway, Aaron, does that you think that covers it? Good enough?

Think of your offers moving forward as invitations, and design to pique interest. - Dan Kuschell Click To Tweet

Aaron Krall 45:21

Yeah. That’s, that’s great. I think it’s really helpful. Yeah,

Kevin Thompson 45:23

then we’ll build on that. So here are components, four components of a great offer. gets attention. Right? Number one, it gets someone’s attention. Why? Because it speaks to their problem. Right, it speaks to their problem in their way of saying it. Number two, it builds interest, because it speaks to them. We’ll talk more about this today. Step three, it creates desire. It really fuels that desire. You know, most people have heard this old adage, this is another bs thing, you know, find a need and fill it if you guys ever heard that. Another crock of nonsense that will take you down the path of broke, there’s a lot of people who need to lose weight, who need to quit smoking who need to do a lot of shit. And they don’t do it because they don’t want to find the people who want it. done right, your messaging will create the desire because it will attract like a magnet, the people who want it, you want to look for what my friend Joshua says, are holux find the holics in your niche who are starving to find the solution to their problem. Right. So create desire, number four, action, call to action. Ideally, you start getting more confidence and clarity around being okay with making invitations or peeking people’s interest to get them to take action. You know, we’re all training behavior in our businesses. And again, if you think of that chart that I drew up, warm up, offer invitation, follow up. Every business is built on that I’m gonna give you some real practical these are you know, these are? These are principle based strategies right now. And I’m gonna give you some tactical things in a couple minutes, if that’s all right. All right. Now, by the way, all of you may have heard of this formula before. It’s a you know, this was invented a long time ago. It’s called the AIDA formula Ada formula. Right? The AIDA framework. Now, you may have heard of it before. But do you know who the Creator is? Do you know who the Creator is? And when Elias St. Elmo created in an 1898 goes all the way back. So it’s principle based, it’s timeless, this methodology works. Right? It’ll work for you if you put it in place, too. Now, let me give you a couple examples that are outside of the SaaS industry. Because again, if we take things outside of like the SaaS industry, and you start to think, well, what if I incorporated this into my SaaS business? How would this change the game? Right? you’re offering a unique, innovative experience for your clients, by the way, you know, user experience is incredibly important, right? How about ix innovative experience, right? focus on that innovative experience. And it’s amazing. So this is for a carpet cleaning offer, like, What’s the last thing any of us want carpet cleaning. So that’s why I put it up here because it’s so like, out of the box, right? So look at this ad attention. Over on the right side, it’s got an irresistible offer. It’s free, free carpet estimate free room of cleaning free follow spot remover, right. He’s removing the wrist 100% iron clad risk free guarantee. Now he’s stating some benefits. Now he also makes it easy to slide into his world by saying consumer warning. Don’t call any XYZ SaaS company until you’ve heard this 24 hour free recorded message. Don’t contact any XYZ SaaS business until you hear or watch this video, URL comm he’s got a testimonial, he’s got an image of warmth, right? And this is an old school yellow pen. I do it for a reason. So you can see how what would what would happen if I take something with proven principle based strategies that works. This works not only in yellow pages still today, believe it or not, is works online, it’ll work everywhere, and it can work for you too. Right?

Aaron Krall 49:12

So let’s go to one thing I want to add to that is most of you’re looking at that ad and thinking that is one hell of an ugly ad. Now, the first thing you saw thought was man, what an ugly, where’s all the where’s all the pictures? You know, where’s all the fonts and the graphics? But that that type of ad is so incredibly effective? Yeah, just the Yellow Pages. And it’s been applied to so many different things like display ads, tabula, you know, so I just want to mention that.

Kevin Thompson 49:48

Absolutely. Another example is a book model free plus shipping, and there’s lots of companies using this to bring in SAS company or SAS clients, your Dean grazi oc. You’ll get your free hardcover copy books. The Millionaire success habits for amazing bonuses, etc. Right? He’s the number one seller of books and now he also has built a, you know, his software company generated 20,000 clients and a launch they did last year. Right? Which for a $2,000 software that you paid upfront for 20,000 right using the strategy I’m showing we’re showing you right here right now. Right another sample furniture. Again, trying to get you outside of just your world get you to look at other works in physical products do like furniture for Christ’s sakes, this replace shipping they do. This company does. And you’ve seen different version because a lot of companies are coming, knocking this company off. But you know, they’re doing a comparison 100 nights in your home, which is what they do a free trial risk free trial versus like going into the store, skip the awkward five minute, you know, mattress store with Well, you get 100 nights in home mattress trial to make sure your purchase was the right you get 100 100 night mattress child begins when it’s delivered, like they’re taking again. Is it creating a feeling of results in advance? And is it removing or minimizing the risk? Right? Again, what would happen for you, if you create your irresistible so I want you to write a note down like what is an irresistible offer a nuance that you can create, write it down right now like something new, at least a test. Just be willing to say I’ll try just be willing to say I’ll test, I’ll give it a shot. I’ll try it. What’s the worst that can happen if you try it? That irresistible invitation or irresistible offer? Doesn’t work, we’ve all had offers that don’t work. So just give it a try with the new approach a new way of thinking about it.

Aaron Krall 51:46

Dan, Can I add something in here real quick? A lot of your thinking a lot of I bet right now a lot of you’re thinking Oh shoot, I have to guarantee some huge, big results for my clients. Like I have to I have to I have to deliver, you know, you know, the best experience Potter, you know, $1,000 or 1,000%, revenue increase or whatever. And some of you are selling a service that’s like, well, we don’t, we can’t really promise something really huge like that. So Dan, how would you address that? What I mean, if I don’t have a big huge result that I’m promising? How can I do this?

Kevin Thompson 52:18

Great question. So a couple of couple examples. First of all, people don’t usually want the Glock that you’re thinking they want, they want the emotional benefit from it. So what are the emotional benefits and focus on that as the guarantee this gives you a great feat greater sense of simplicity than any program you’ve ever tried or will continue to work with you for no extra charge, like so I didn’t even do a money back version there. And I’m doing this off the cut, you’ll get a sense of clarity, simplicity and confidence with our software program, or your money back. So it doesn’t have to be some huge promise, it can be based on the emotional benefit. Right? You could call it a one of many of our clients, we have helped them design what’s called their triple promising guarantee, which is along the lines of what you’re talking about, where it’s not really like big giant, you know, gargantuan results, and it’s around, you know, the fact that you’re gonna understand that you are important to us, right, and we’re gonna hold your hand, we call it our holding your hand promise that when you send us a request, our team will get back with you in 24 hours or less, all the time, every time seven days a week, right, we’ve got another verb, you know, that’s one part of the triple promise and guarantee another part of that promise, we’ve got another firm we’re working with where it’s related to the fact that they’re not going to experience scope creep, not only in price, but also time, we guarantee that the quote we give you is the quote we give you. And with a with an asterisk by it, by the way, right? If you supply us the information will give you the quote as far as the price. And if that price needs to be adjusted. Woman form you before any decisions are made. So there’s no unexpected bills or service. They’re basically taking things that you would do anyway. But they’re just packaging them in a way to speak to like the concerns that most people have with different use scenarios. Right. So I could give dozens and dozens.

Aaron Krall 54:30

And I didn’t want to point out because this is so great. I’m like so many aha as I hope are happening for you guys. But how many of I mean, 30 day trial, 14 day trial, everybody’s doing that. Everybody’s doing a 14 day trial. It’s not It’s not like exclusive anymore, right? How can you make How can you reduce the risk even more than a 30 day trial or 14 day trial? Like how can you How can you make that that trial are that period where they can get a result even more risk free for them. That it would just it just make no sense for them not to try it, you know, we have we can discuss ideas, but I hope your mind is turning on that.

Dan Kuschell 55:16

Absolutely. Absolutely. And, by the way, how often are you testing the types of trials? You do? I’ve done a lot of testing on this. And obviously, we don’t know until we test. So you’re never hear me say this is the only way to do anything. No, it’s all a test. And until we test, we don’t know. That’s the reality, even when you you’ve done really well over a history, a long period of time, 30 years, which I’ve been doing this for 30 years. You don’t know until you test. But here’s what I can suggest. If you haven’t revamped your trial offer, maybe you’ve been at a 14 day, 30 day or whatever. Well, when’s the last time you tested a three day versus that offer? Now, your inhibition might say, well, a three day is not going to convert as well as 14 because they have more time test. I found time and time again with some of our software clients and even our own stuff that we built, that a three day trial outperformed all of it exponentially. And it doesn’t make any sense. But that’s why you test. Right. So what again, to Aaron’s point, like what could you do another thing I brought up Dean Graziosi. They got 20,000 software clients in their business, selling a paid in full version. Now I got a friend and I’m not going to mention his company or his name, but it’s a company in a brand you would know of someone I mentored early on in his business when he was just there company, him and his partner, were just offering website sales. And you know, we kind of said, Well, what could you do to productize this and build it as a SaaS software as a service. And so he ended up ended up creating a model that is really amazing. He’s got amazing company doing me, you guys probably know him. But I’m not going to mention his name. Because when we work with our clients, we do NDA. So I was speaking to him at lunch here not too long ago. And I said, like knowing what you know now, like, What’s something that you would do different today than when, you know, say two years ago, and he goes running my software as a service, he goes, I would start by charging in full for a year, instead of doing month, a month. Now, I don’t know if this applies to you. And I don’t want to send you down the wrong rabbit holes. But if Dean Graziosi generate over 20,000 clients, and the only option was to charge in full for a year and then they ended up after that offer went through its launch period. Then they offered like a few installments, like five installments, but not the typical month, a month, a month a month. Now some of you don’t have a service that would fit that. But again, outside the box thinking now are you guys learning some good stuff here so far? I hope this has been like a heck yeah.

Aaron Krall 57:53

And the chat. You guys dig in this or like, put poop emoji put poop emoji if you’re it is a waste of your time. and a half. Yeah, heck yeah. If it’s if it’s super good. There’s only two options here.

Dan Kuschell 58:07

That’s right. Boo, yah. Boo yeah, shazam? Hell yeah. So one of our clients works in medical technology. And we helped him revamp his offer. He went from 500 a month clients to 5000 a month plus performance percentages on top. Right. And, you know, he says, you know, the concept that we’ve shared with him on this has been worth millions, you know, revamping the offer structure for that technology? What’s the difference? Having a killer irresistible offer? So how would having your irresistible offer a new up level, the irresistible offer changed the game. And if you’ve already got a great one, then just build another one called this the control whatever you’ve got in place, even if it’s not that great, but it’s bringing you some clients and some revenue, keep the control, create a variation and come up with something new. Ideally, you’ve gotten a few ideas to be able to do that. Now. We just gone through strategy 105, by the way. So Aaron.

Aaron Krall 59:01

Sorry, we’re way behind. We’re way behind schedule. This is so interesting. I mean, we can keep going, you guys can stick around. It’s up to you, Dan. Really, we can keep going. Let’s keep going

Dan Kuschell 59:13

and dive into strategy two, and we’ll just check in

Aaron Krall 59:16

Yeah, if I see somebody whose head literally explode in the in the video, then we’ll stop. But unless that happens, we’ll keep going.

Dan Kuschell 59:24

All right, strategy number two, the simple approach to blank so you immediately get more clients revival leads and reduce churn. Right. So why is this important? Right? You have a lot of competition. Aaron was speaking about this earlier, and all of you know this, right? There’s a lot of noise, probably in your space. There’s a lot of distraction overwhelm a lot of people feeling burnout, you know, the economy. I mean, all kinds of things. COVID So I just want to share a quick story. So a few months back one of our private clients, I was doing some research to help them choose a software and Good, you know both of these brands, but I’m not again, I won’t mention them. But I want to give you the experience of this, right? And I want you to be thinking like, what could I do to make my experience even better ROI q return on interaction. So these two companies, you know, we went through their process signed up to their free trial, and both of them, one of them started sending their normal follow up emails, right, educating law and video all good, amazing, robust, like, obviously, they had an automated sequence, the other company had similar things, but they did one thing smarter, faster, better. They had a concierge, in addition to their canned automated emails, they had a concierge on the team reach out separate of it. So I got two emails a day for a few days. But it was the concierge, I’ve been assigned as your personal concierge. There’s some things we want to make sure you don’t miss out that a lot. Many clients tell us that they wish we would have told them again, now speaking to the whiskers problem, and not the outcome. I’d love to spend five minutes with you and walk you through a few of those things. I was like, well, that’s a really personal personal communication. I really love that or human humanistic communication, really love that. But of course, I’m busy. I’m running businesses and working with our clients, etc. The next day, I got another message. Hey, I’d love to just check in, here’s a link to my calendar to book it. And next thing you know, I see a number come up on my phone, and I don’t recognize the number. So I don’t answer it, probably like what you would do. And I get a voicemail, I listen to it like later in the day. And the message is really warm and says, Hey, I’m so and so I’ve been assigned as your personal concierge to help you walk through our software, wanting to make sure because there’s some hidden things in it, that we’d like to help shortcut the gaps. Right. And I’d love to just spend five minutes with you to walk through it, make sure we help you get the most out of it. You know, I sent you an email, you can book a time etc. Again, I’m busy, I didn’t respond. Next day. I didn’t get another email. But I got the phone call. And I recognized the number and I was between a point events, I had like 15 minutes between appointments. And I saw the number and the message was so damn good. And the emails were so personal and humanistic. I took the call, randomly jumped on the call. And this guy goes yeah, down, I’d love to walk you through, can we do a screen share real quick and got me on the screen. And at five minutes, he cut it and he goes, Hey, Dan, out of respect for your time, it’s been five minutes, I don’t want to break a promise, I’d be happy to go through a little bit more we could schedule another time. Or you know, I may need two or three more minutes. And I can walk you through some a couple other quick nuances. I said Go ahead. Right. And I gave him another two to three minutes. Now the long and the short of it is all of you have software companies and all of you have bought products and services. And all of you may offer your products and services in different ways. Which one of those software companies do you think I bought from? For my client? The second Why? They humanized it. Right? The all both of them have the automation. Automation is good. But if you want to go from good to great, in the words of Jim Collins, you got to do things different. And one of the ways to do things different is to humanize the experience. And if you want to get more clients revival did leads and reduce churn? What are some of the strategies you can utilize to humanize it? We call this the campfire approach. And we don’t have enough time to go into all the details. But if you think about it, like when I got started at this, you know, I got schooled in this in the late 1980s. Like I’m dating myself, yes, I’m in my 50s. And, and it was different than like, if you were gonna like if there was a fireplace over here, we’re gonna have all these little things here. I’m holding a match here, you might be wondering why I’m holding this match, I wanted to get your attention number one, number two, I want to help you ignite new ideas. So anyway, if there’s a fireplace over here, when I got started in the 80s, and I hit my first company in 1992, and I strike this match and throw it in the fireplace with marketing like an ad or a TV ad or a radio ad or direct mail and you could throw the match in the fireplace and it would catch and you know directly match one TV ad created result. Right? Today, it’s a little different. buyers are more sophisticated consumer behavior is different. There’s all kinds of confusing platforms, 1000s of them in fact, so today it’s a campfire approach. What is that campfire approach? If we want to build a fire in the fireplace, the better way to do it, like the match, get paper burning. Get some kindling on top of it. burns gets hot, get some branches, put on top of that, and then set the log on top. Time and time again, so many people are using old outdated marketing, you may be learning from people who have outdated mark, if you’re working with Aaron, you’re learning strategies, like the campfire method in his own way, where it’s about building the kingdom, Lee humanizing it. So what could you do to create that humanized approach in your communication? And what would happen for you? If you do? Right? What would happen if you do what if you just added the concierge follow up email in your system and a phone call? And oh, by the way, you can automate that too, with voice broadcast. So that only the people you might have the ability because maybe you’ve got a lien small team? Because you might be thinking, well, Dan, you don’t understand. It’s just a couple of us. I don’t have big teams to do all that. You could do a voice broadcast, and then when people respond, it becomes an inbound opportunity. aren’t enough inbound opportunities, even more fun to sell anyway? or enroll? course they are. So you create more inbound opportunities by humanizing the experience, right? thinking outside the box? Is that a good strategy? How many of you like that one? All right, let’s go to strategy number three, because these all kind of build on each other. The campfire method literally goes through the rest of these, how to blank by blankety blank with inquiries and convert four out of 10 additional clients, right. Now, why is this important? This approach is zero cost to you. And your competition is likely too lazy and too cheap to do it, frankly. Right? That other strategy is similar, your competition is too low, too lazy and too cheap to add the phone call, but that I can I imagine that company will be exponentially bigger than their competitor. That’s also a big brand name, but they will dwarf them. And over time it there’s no doubt about it because of the humanistic approach. So I want to share a SaaS client case study real quick. One of our clients who has a SaaS business, they did the standard kind of trials, and we helped them revamp and we found that three, by the way, work better than seven and 14 days, surprisingly. But in addition to that, we added this this piece, right? But blankety blank that I’m going to talk about, right after we put the blankety blank in place. They were enrolling four out of 10, who hadn’t converted online Why? How many of you guys ever get leads that come in? They go through your automated model, but they still haven’t converted? All of us if we’ve ever been in lead gen business, right? Well, what would happen if you actually took those leads that came in, and there’s two approaches to this one is on the front end, and one is actually as a client? I’ll get to that in a second. Right? So all those leads that come in and don’t convert right away? What if you added the phone call outbound to them and actually had a person who was assigned as a concierge to essentially warm up cultivating enroll. We have found in almost every single example, regardless of industry, that when you add that extra human touch, because people want connection, they want trust and respect. And you can’t mimic trust and respect as well on the phone, person to person almost belly to belly artificially as automated videos, emails, so many people rely on automation and email, and they’re automating themselves right out of business. Got the damn phone? Right. And so this strategy is how to optimize by following up with phone with following up by phone with those inquiries in convert four out of 10 additional new clients, right, just by calling and saying, Hey, I wanted I noticed you hadn’t move forward, what questions do you have? Or you speak to the whiskers and you speak to the cheese for them for your product for your service that you offer? All right, another optimization of this another one of our couple of our we’ve had several clients who use this next optimization strategy recently. How many of you generate trial sales and or sales online? And you generate a client? Well, what if you called each of those clients and your competition is too cheap and too lazy, but you call them physically and say congratulations, you’ve made a great decision to move forward. Now again, if you’re so so much of a lean team, you can do this by voice broadcast too. But if you can call them and say congratulations, you made a great decision to be a part of XYZ family in our in our company. We look forward to working with you. We wanted to just walk you through what you got started with so you’re clear. Like Think about that. Even if you just left that as a message. When’s the last time you bought something here in the last 30 days holiday gifts or otherwise that you got a phone call to thank them or congratulate him? Correct. congratulate you for the decision. It’s Rare, isn’t it be rare and invaluable. This is a way to be rare and add value. But here’s the key to it, how you turn it into a profit Maximizer optimizer, here’s how it goes. They’re on the phone, walk them through, here’s our customer service info, here’s our email, right? Here’s our helpdesk phone number. If you need anything, we got a whole army of people ready to help you if you need it have any questions? By the way, while I’ve got you on the line, what I do like to do is run an idea by works great, if not, no problem, you know, you got started with our monthly program. This is an unpublished structure that I want to share with you. But how great would it be if I could get you two years of our program, for equivalent to 13 months. And now what you do is you shorten the sales cycle, and you also maximize cash flow. So you make an invitation that makes sense. And again, you got to structure the right thing for you and all of you are in different businesses. So you have to decide like, what is that offer? What is that upsell could even be just an enhancement, it doesn’t have to be you extending membership, or the pricing discount. Right? But you can accelerate like one one client, we’ve got just did this, they offered a three year discount for one year, and generated over six figures of new business in like two weeks with that offer the holiday special. Now again, that may fit your business or not. But don’t miss the point of the tactic of those companies. Think of like what could I what could you put in, that could be that optimizer using the phone follow up both for non unconverted leads on the front end, but also your clients and welcoming them gradually and get them red carpet and then making a soft offer to enhance their value. This is the campfire approach combined with understanding like the dating journey we’ve been talking about, we’re not gonna have time to go through the full details of the dating journey. But hopefully we’ll get a chance to connect. At some point, we can walk you through the value of that. But what would happen for you in optimizing the experience and adding the phone follow up even more than what you do now? How would it impact your saas business? Think about that. And again, if some of you are so lean you might be I’m gonna pretend some of you are just as you you’re a one man band. I know. Most of you are not. But I want to. Because you might be thinking, Well, I’m small. You can do these with voice broadcast automation, leave the message and then again, go hit zero to connect with one of our team right now. Or you could just say call me back right now. And then it becomes an inbound opportunity. Right? So what would happen if you did this? What value by the way? What if you had to estimate the financial impact if you put just these first three strategies in place for your business, and many of you have them in place at some level, but you made it even better? How would it impact you financially in the next quarter, put some numbers, I always like to assess my time and energy based on like, real numbers, not not just like, oh, Attaboy, give me a high five, but like real tangible numbers. It’s not surprising when people put things like 50, Grand 100, grand, 250 grand, you know, one gal put one of our strategies in place, took her 14 days to do it. She generated 40,000 in immediate revenue, and she knows that it will generate her she feels that it’ll generate over 2 million. So what do we need? Also,

If you want to get more clients, revive old leads, and reduce churn, what are some of the strategies you can utilize to humanize it? - Dan Kuschell Click To Tweet

Aaron Krall 1:13:17

I want to add sorry, Dan, I’m jumping in here. But But your ROI on time for something like this is the leverage is yes, out of this world. We set up these, these emails, or these voicemails, and it takes you about an hour to create one and set it up so that it goes out to every new trial an hour of your time. Imagine, like, there’s not much you can do in an hour that will bring this type of like, like humanization and personalization and increasing conversions. It’s so so the ROI and time is really good, too.

Dan Kuschell 1:13:54

Awesome. You guys ready for the best two strategies right now? All right, here we go. Strategy number four, how to position yourself as the go to authority, an expert in your industry by blankety blank, your process and your clients say the number one thing you need them to say to get and keep them as a client for the long term. What is the number one thing you want your clients to say? You get me quote from Dan Sullivan. Dan Sullivan says you know people buy from us because they feel understood. They don’t buy from us because they understand us. People buy from us because they feel understood. They don’t buy from us because they understand our offer what we do, right? So you want to get in their heart. So what can you do? Right, personalize and integrate it with a bit of romance. Right. As silly as that might sound, a little bit of romance to it. And we’ve been stacking on we’re rebuilding this campfire and ideally you can start to feel it getting bigger and bigger and bigger and like this one strap Combine with this one strategy combined with this one strike, wow creates a big giant campfire. Right? goes beyond email guys goes way beyond email, right? Adding the personal phone calls, amazing strategy if you can do it, right. And by the way, I’ll even share a resource because some of you might be going well, I’d love to do that. But it’ll cost too much. Because I’ve looked into it, we’ve, we’ve got a strategic partner called Outbound 360, literally for less than 1500 a month, they’ll do your calls for you as your outbound center and do conversions. And they have built their built their model where you’re paying more on performance than you are on a feed. Right? And you get a fully trained team for 1500 a month. Actually, it’s a little less than that, by the way, right? So if you guys want that resource, let Aaron know. And we’ll get you connected with Outbound 360, you can talk to them. And now you’ve got an outbound team who can do these things, and they will sell for you, right and upsell for you or cross sell for you, or those sorts of things. But go beyond email, beyond email. You’re like everybody else. Now. That’s okay, if that’s all you can do now. But I would encourage you to look at how many of these can you start adding in text messaging, right text, I’ve got a new little model because I’m a football coach, I coach four days a week, my son’s team, he’s 13 years old now. I’ve been coaching for three plus years. And so we’re starting to build a following in our community. And so I said, like, Well, why don’t I just test all this stuff that I talked about doing something completely out of the box. So I built this model called And we’re basically writing Facebook ads to attract parents and their kids in our area, based on zip codes, that want access to some of the best football training for middle school kids in the world, that they will not get anywhere else. Not because of me. But because of the coaches and the people we’ve got in our community in our in our network in our ecosystem. So they’re coming in, and we’re doing the exact things text messaging, I’ve got a lady that is moving our son here next week from California because she wants her son who’s 12 years old, to come work with our coaching staff, to get developed to play football, to be ready for high school be ready for college. We’re using these exact things, text messaging, right? Personal text messaging works, you can get a system and you guys probably know some of you might even have the system, it’s your business. But like one of our favorites is called call tracking metrics. You can do the texting the voice broadcast the you know, the automated type messages, it’s an awesome CRM as well Believe it or not amazing technology that helps simplify a lot of these things that maybe if you’re a lean team that you couldn’t do before, it’s all in one one place voice broadcasts. real physical birthday cards, you’d be amazed, you can use a technology or service like postable. And there’s many of them simply written and others literally get someone’s birthday like a client. And you program it in there, and then you rotate the cards. But literally, we get messages every single month, because we’ve got it set up. And if you come into our ecosystem, you’ll see how this works if we get your birthday address, but not only do we recommend sending birthday cards, but physical mail like once a quarter at minimum once a year, to stay in front of your clients, and your best relationships can’t underestimate the power of those things. Over time birthday videos, like Nate and mine, a good client of ours, Joe Polish, Joe regularly records, birthday videos and pre programs, sends them out online. It just makes an impact gym job videos. As crazy as that might sound it makes people laugh. It makes people smile. When you can make people feel good about your business and feel good about what you represent. You likely keep them as a client and we’ll talk about more of that Canvas art May. This is not like an oddball one. But personalized Canvas art to your some of your best clients like what do you do for your higher tier clients? Our clients get something like this, if you can picture of a painting or I don’t know if I’m an art piece. That’s a memorable piece that our team went and researched on Facebook where they have a lot of comments and it was obviously emotional connection. And our team will go then send this off to some something like simply art, and they get this in the mail. Right? What kind of impact do you think it makes to keep retain and attract clients? get referrals and a whole lot more. This is the exact This is the template that we’ve sent. Here’s another client, Dr. Jeremy Weisz, who Aaron knows as well. Right? We found this picture. His wife was featured in a big Forbes article. And so our team grabbed this and we had this picture made and we sent it to them. What kind of impact do you think this makes? Right? You can do these small by the way you can do these big anywhere in between. Right start thinking ideally personalize the situation because here’s the reality, you might want to write this one down. I think I heard this from Dean Graziosi. This way, clients canceled transaction. They don’t cancel relationships. Isn’t that true? Right? So what can you do to build these tools in place to build your campfire or this dating model, which we won’t have time to go into today, but the idea of the campfire, personal communication, personal relationship, so how to position yourself as a go to authority and expert in your industry by personalizing and integrating your process and your clients will say the number one thing you need to get and keep them as a client, which is you get me what will happen for you if you did integrate all of these things we’ve talked about and created this high touch approach, so that they felt that you got them. Right. So let’s just do a quick review. As we wrap up strategy one, get 10 times the results by getting an irresistible offer. Did you learn something good there that you can put in place and take action with right back? I want you to start typing in what are some of your aha or action steps I’d love to see type those in the chat window for Aaron and me as well to make sure that we’re providing an adding value to you. Number two, the high touch high conversion method that brings you clients and converts old leads while your competition quietly wonders if they’ll make it another day or year. How do you do that? humanized we gave you several ways to think about doing that strategy three, the first thing to incorporate that gets clients and reduce churn optimize with phone follow up both on the warm up stage, as well as after their a client. Number four, the integrated approach to get clients to say you get me And not only do they order, they reorder and they stay clients personalized and integrated. And then strategy number five, we promise is our bonus q&a session. Now let me speak to the elephant in the room, you might ask well, will this work for me, and I’m not gonna play this video. But I will just describe it in about 30 seconds. My son Kyler, who you see pictured here, very blurry, had a project in his one of his classes to create a TV commercial. And Kyler went and created the whole TV commercial himself. I didn’t have any involvement in it whatsoever. It completely shocked me completely frightening when he did it. It was amazing. This video is the result of it. I ended up interviewing him. And I’d be happy to send this over to Aaron if you guys want to see it. But I asked Kyler I said like what what was your approach to go do this and the short advice he was 12 years old at the time he did this. He said I went on YouTube and I looked up about seven different commercials of other companies in the cleaning industry. And I looked looked at what they did, I might I not noted what I liked, eliminated the things I didn’t like. And then I put my version of it together as a best case scenario, and came up with my commercial. There’s a lot of wisdom that we can all get from kids. Would you guys agree?

When you can make people feel good about your business and feel good about what you represent, you'll likely keep them as a client. - Dan Kuschell Click To Tweet

Aaron Krall 1:22:51

Is he for hire?

Dan Kuschell 1:22:52

Exactly. And in fact, I even say that in the video, which is if you’re looking for a copywriter, you might want to hire someone as a child because they just keep it simple. Keep it simple. Keep it simple. So we talk to you about the idea of the perfect client system. It combines the campfire method with the dating method, get the perfect clients for no additional costs. Get perfect clients on your list. Get perfect clients to buy shorten your sales cycle get perfect clients to buy more boost your long term value get referrals due to the experience plus consistency, it becomes more meaningful and memorable. You build authority and you have a bigger impact with less stress. If that’s what you want. I encourage you put these things in place. Take action with it. It’s all about the action return on implementation. Focus on irresistible offer. To make it even better. Focus on principle based strategies more than tactics. Continue to build your list by providing value in advance, build a steady flow of clients by making invitations and offers every day. Keep it simple. humanize it, optimize it personalize it. what’s been the value for you today. If you could put a financial estimate on it and you’re open to do it. type it in the chat window. If that’s too bold and too daring, just rated on a one scale, low 10. High 10 is highest one is lowest. I’d love to just see your feedback and rating

Keep it simple. Humanize it. Optimize it. Personalize it. - Dan Kuschell Click To Tweet

Aaron Krall 1:24:12

This is helpful for me to you guys to see kind of how valuable you find this. Absolutely. And we don’t have any emotional attachment to the number. So if it’s a one, that’s fine, we’ll just kick you out and we’ll never talk. It’s not a big deal.

Dan Kuschell 1:24:28

Because at the end of the day, we all have choices in what we do or we don’t do and obviously I value your time and hopefully you feel the spirit of that. And you know our friend Joe Polish says you can have an elf business or a half business half business as a business. It’s hard, annoying, lame and frustrating. And it kind of looks like that image on the right. Like constipation. Sitting on the dome, half are you going to have an elf business which is the image on the left easy, lucrative, Fun. How much more easy, lucrative and fun Do you think it would be by putting these strategies and these ideas and insights in place? In your business? We’ve given you four. And I just asked you to think how would it impact you moving forward? How would it impact you in 2021? How would it impact you the next five years? Right? And as long as you’re open to it, Nate and I are going to open this up to a q&a session. And before we do, I want to make an invitation. And Aaron, I literally just put this together. So we don’t have any fancy pants offer, or any fancy pants methodology. But I said, Aaron, you know, we’ve gotten a chance to know each other, what can I do to help your community. And we have a program that we do, it’s called the Perfect Client Blueprint, you can go check it out at, but when you do, don’t go by it. I’m doing the worst sales pitch in the world right now. Don’t go by it. It’s our $5,000 program. And people buy it all the time. It comes with a two day workshop. We’re going to do our two day workshop in March, we’re still working on finalizing the dates what I mentioned to Aaron, Hey, man, what if as a bonus for your current and active clients who are in your community, I allow them to participate and be be in the perfect client blueprint and know a bit while actually though, when we get it set up, there’ll be a $1 charge. So $4,999 savings. So your clients just continue to feel the value you’re providing. And ideally, they’re even looking to move deeper into the accelerator program. So if some of you would like to participate in our two day workshop, go much, much deeper on the perfect client blueprint models we’ve been talking about today. Aaron’s going to give this to you, how do you take advantage of it. Again, we don’t have a fancy pants funnel setup, you send an email to [email protected] that’s on the screen [email protected], just let us know that you came from Aaron’s community here. Say I want the workshop and the training. And we’ll go ahead and get you the details. Right. And we’ll do that after the holidays, by the way. So send it today, let us know. And you know, if you do want to understand more about what it is all about, just go to perfect climb blueprint, but like I said, Don’t buy off of there because you won’t get the discount for the through the page, send us the email, we’ll make sure your content is a gift from Aaron. And hopefully you guys give Aaron a kudos on that as well. Because it’s a pretty cool synergy and strategic thing to be doing. So with that. You guys want to open it up to q&a. Aaron? Yeah,

Aaron Krall 1:27:33

thank you, Dan. That’s awesome. Um, you know Nathan, we didn’t get to really hear from you. And I was excited to hear from you, Dan. Obviously, I heard before and I was still still as good as I remember. And hopefully, you got some everybody got some good insights from that will carry the keep keep the discussion going and SaaS Visionaries. I wanted to ask Nathan, real quick what you’ve gotten kind of gotten a feel for our group a little bit SaaS companies. What can you just can you just give us some of your your thoughts on what you’ve been able to do in your businesses and how that might apply? Just not really sure what question asked you. But I was hoping to get some of this user wisdom. Yeah.

Nathan Slade 1:28:17

Probably the stuff that would make the most sense here is is what Dan was talking about is humanizing. What you do, I I’m in the e commerce space, and we sell a seasonal product that’s kind of an outdoor game product. And we typically sell about 40,000 a year ish right around there. And so the thought of humanizing, it was daunting, because we thought it would be very overwhelming, and maybe not worth the effort. But as you guys know, prep, most likely your consumers on the Amazon Marketplace. So reviews are the lifeblood of that space. And Amazon continues to hamper and cut down and control how that’s done. And so we were trying to come up with a way that’s completely, you know, separate of their platforms where we could have a lot more control in that area. And what we decided to do was to to do an insert that just simply said, text this word, you know, and we’ll we’ll text you a video a setup instruction video of exactly how to do this so that your kids can get get to playing as fast as possible. real basic, no, no pitch, no offer, but I mean, I guess I guess in to Dan’s definition, that is an offer. It’s an invite to get more information. So then they would hop on and it was me and I was like, Hey, we’re the inventors. There’s two of us. I mean, I think there’s a lot of power and not trying to act big. Yep. Like being being who you are. It really connects with people and and I was like, if you text me If you have questions, just text us back to this number, we will respond personally, it’s either me my business partner, or our assistant. And, and they really, they really like that. And then, so we went through the video, tell them how to do the product. And then at the end, we’re like, hey, to extend your warranty, go here. And will will actually text you a link. So it’s very easy for you just click the link, put in your name, you know, some information and you’ll extend your warranty for two years. And then what that did is it put them into an automatic drip system to ask for a review a couple of weeks later, and what we found was we were getting 10% Review rate, which may not sound all that amazing, but typical in ecommerce is about a 10th of a percent. And so for it to jump that much, just simply doing this little thing was was pretty massive. And then an hour after they sent that initial text, we have an automated one that shoots out and it says something along the lines of Hey, how did it go, because we assumed that if they’re texting for setup instructions, they’re gonna set it up right then. And so we were able to capture them at the peak of their emotional state, right. So either it worked, and they were super happy, their kids were playing with it, and they’re, they’re, you know, overjoyed, or it broke, and something went wrong. And they were ticked because their kids had all this anticipation for this product. And it didn’t work. And so we’re able to capture them at that peak emotional state and fix it really quick, which would then flip the negative, or the positive, we can really drive home, you know, leaving a review. And anyways, it’s kind of fun. A lot of times they would respond to the text messages with a question thinking that it was still automated. And I’m like, I just wish I could get somebody other than a computer. And I’m like, Well, I’m sorry that I sound like a computer, but I’ll try better. And they’re like, Oh, I’m so sorry. Like, like real. To go back to the point like 40,000 customers and being inundated. It didn’t happen. It really it took our assistant probably at the max three, four hours a day, which may sound like a lot but man to go from a 10th of a percent in reviews to 10% was totally worth the investment.

Aaron Krall 1:32:25

So Wow, that’s cool. And and not many people are doing that right Nathan for your particular product or industry, I just ordered a toy, exact same thing happened to me, I ordered it, it broke down how to get a new one, that one broke down. Now I’m just like super frustrated about it. And then just you know, and I think the trick here is you have to have a really good product to write, you have to really have a good product stand behind your product. And do what no one else is doing. To get the results no one else is getting.

Nathan Slade 1:32:54

The cool thing is like on Amazon, there’s it’s a commodity like not a commodity, but they’re they’re trying to ram price down right constantly. And so competitors really there to like Dan said, They’re too lazy or too cheap to implement something like this. So it’s kind of easy to step above that. But then also, because of the experience they’re getting the level of reviews are really, really high. And so it’s easy to position yourself as a premium product. And so you maintain your margins, you get better reviews, it’s just it, it helps in so many different areas. So yeah, and we

Aaron Krall 1:33:32

So yeah, and we have guys we have jeetu crowd Capterra even have you, I mean, how many of you could benefit from 100 extra reviews or testimonials from your product, or 50 or 10. You know, like this is not, this is the kind of thing that you know, to, to get a free month. You know, instead of registering your product, right to get a free month, or to get whatever, let us know how how you love the products. And as you can use video ask or just say hey, just send us a send us an email with how your your thoughts on the product we’d love to, you know, feature you in our customer showcase whatever, you know. So anyways, there’s lots of ways you can implement that. So thank you, Nathan, let’s open it up for any questions.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:21

Question for Nathan, real quick, by the way. Thank you, Dan. That was amazing.

Dan Kuschell 1:34:29

That segment was amazing, wasn’t it? Yeah, it’s so cool to be able to see how you can apply proven principle based methodologies, practices and systems in all kinds of industries. We’ve been able to work with over 4000 different types of company 180 niche industries in over 12 countries. And so guess what, what does that mean? This can work and it can work for you. Regardless of where you’ve been regardless of your background. It just matters where you Want to go on if you’re looking for a way to go further to go faster, right to apply and implement some of what we’re talking about, they have a proven operating system for sales and marketing installed and implemented in one for you in your business. When clients choose to have us as their virtual cmo or virtual CEO to help them grow their business with less stress, and have way more impact many times we’ve tripled the business with less stress and far more impact if you’d like to take the first step to learn how we can help do that for you. And you can take advantage of our 100% free consultation and strategy calls right now you can go to, that’s, Book your time. We’ll see if we’re right fit. We’ll talk about where you are where you want to go and talk about a game plan to help you get there and if we’ve got a good fit, we’ll invite you forward. Also when it comes back to this episode, you can do that at, that’s, if you never want to miss an episode, go to, that’s That’s it for today. Seize the day, make it a great week. We’ll see you next time on Thanks for listening to this episode of Are you struggling to get a steady flow of new clients every day? Or maybe hit a plateau or hit a wall and grow your business? Well, let’s help you solve this problem today. Let’s review your business and have a conversation. Do that for free today at, that’s In addition, if you’re looking for a simple way to implement some of what we’ve been talking about in today’s episode, I want to encourage you to get our free small business toolkit. You get that at, that’s If you’d like access to the special resources and all the show notes for this special episode. Make sure to visit

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